Foster public interest and appreciation of nature
Educate club members and others about nature
Promote environmental protection
Encourage wise stewardship of all natural resources
Appeal to a broad demographics

To preserve our heritage so people can become aware of the incredible natural beauty in our area
Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve
Located at 4164 Monck Road, and the largest nature reserve in the Federation nature reserve system, the Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve (AWSNR) encompasses 470 hectares (1163 acres) of central Ontario woodland and wetland. The reserve straddles the contact between the granitic rocks of the Canadian Shield and the limestone of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence forest.
In an area of Ontario where interior forest is uncommon, the Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve provides habitat for numerous species that depend on large tracts of contiguous natural cover.
Altberg Wetland
Second nature reserve donated by Rudolph Altberg, a swamp forest and marsh that forms a Class I wetland.
KFN Bluebird Trail
Help build, maintain and monitor nesting boxes for the survival of the Eastern Bluebird.
CKL Flora
Plant inventories in the City of Kawartha Lakes with specimens deposited at the ROM Herbarium. The goal is to publish the Flora of CKL.
Provincially Significant Wetlands
To ensure that all members of our community understand how we benefit from these wetlands.