Archived Sightings


  • November 29, 2018 – A small flock of pine siskins stopped by my place today, just for a short period of time. – Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 27, 2018 – Some newcomers spotted in the yard lately in Lindsay last week – a few female Pine Grosbeaks gorging on crab apples. Also saw one Redpoll. Some Red-breasted Nuthatches are now daily visitors as well. – Rick Procter

  • November 24, 2018 – On the east side of Prospect Rd north of Palestine Rd I saw a northern shrike. It was calling from the top of a tree. – Arthur Gladstone, Argyle
  • November 7, 2018 – A snowy owl was seen in the area of Prospect and Woodville roads. – Eric Davis
  • November 6, 2018 – Mid Oct I noticed some extra visitors to the pond in the Board Street park in Lindsay. I think they are migrating Snow geese that are a bit more east than normal. – Susan Burnett

  • November 1, 2018 – On Saturday and today, Tuesday 30 October I saw hundreds of ducks off shore from Thorah Park Rd on Lake Simcoe. There were golden eyes, scaups, red headed ducks, common mergansers, canvas backs and more. – Arthur Gladstone
  • October 10, 2018 – There were 4 juvenile golden eagles at the Eldon landfill this morning. They flew over low and one landed. I could see the white patches on the wings and the golden nape. – Eric Davis, Woodville
  • September 17, 2018 – Today, along Blackschool road west of Omar road I saw a flock of sandhill cranes, around 50 in all. – Arthur Gladstone
  • July 11, 2018 – At 5:30pm July 10th, a Least Bittern was walking on the west soft shoulder of Killarney Bay Rd next to a cattail swamp .40km south of Hollowtree Rd. It froze as we slowed to pass. We also noticed a couple of road kills. Turning back to investigate, the bird was gone but one of the roadkill victims was another Least Bittern. – Maureen McEwan
  • July 6, 2018 -A Great White Egret was on Walmart Flats for several days and today, July 6, Lloyd & I saw a Caspian Tern, a couple of Greater Yellowlegs and three, I expect, Short Billed Dowitchers. In the next few weeks we could be watching construction machines instead of birds. Work has been put on hold due to nesting birds. – Maureen McEwan
  • July 2, 2018 – Last evening, a lone firefly was finding it stiff competition for the fireworks lighting up the sky on a waterfront cottage property, as it flitted through our back yard. – Judy & Robbie, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • June 17, 2018 -Green Heron. Victoria County Rd. No.8 near Eganridge Golf Course. – Gary Witten
  • May 30, 2018 – On May 30, I saw a white-headed crow while I driving up highway 21. – Arthur Gladstone, Argyle
  • April 24, 2018 – I decided to do a birding tour between Woodville and Lindsay. Well it was a very productive outing, the highlights being the return of greater yellowlegs and blue-winged teal. And flying across the way from the Lindsay airport was a northern goshawk! – Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 24, 2018 – Yesterday, I discovered dozens of bees of a few different species gathering nectar and pollen from a thick patch of crocuses in our back garden. The Purple Martins have also returned to our neighbour’s Martin hotel. Hope they come and check out our luxury digs across the street this year. – Judy and Robbie, Cameron.
  • April 19, 2018 -Today we saw our first loon of 2018 close to road in bay north of Cty Road 24 south of Bobcaygeon. Still lots of ice in lake! – Lloyd & Maureen McEwan
  • April 13, 2018 – at 6:30 pm there were 5 o 6 Swans (unidentified – no binoculars) on Walmart Flats, a Great Blue Heron and 100s of Canada Geese, some with short necks?- Lloyd McEwan
  • April 13, 2018 – Friday 13th 2018 was lucky for us when we saw our first Osprey pair this year across from Walmart Flats, breeding and nest building.- Lloyd & Maureen McEwan


  • April 9, 2018 – Sightings for April 9th at Ken Reid Conservation Area, near beach, South end of Sturgeon Lake. Numerous ducks off beach area on the Lake.- Ring Necked Duck
    – Common Merganser
    – Hooded Merganser
    – Wood Duck
    – Mallard
    – Bufflehead
    – Common Goldeneye
    – Trumpeter Swans (9), including Tags R36 and 131
    – Great Blue Heron
    – Osprey
    – Canada Geese (100’s)
    – Sandhill Crane (overhead)
    – Song Sparrow
    – Northern ShovelerBoth sides of the point trail are great for observing Ducks/Geese/Swans. – Rob Stravinga


  • April 1, 2018 – Just saw our first Great Blue Heron of 2018 along with thousands of Canada Geese on Wal-Mart Flats. Last week saw our first two turkey vultures and 8 more today Good Friday 8pm. – Maureen McEwan
  • March 25, 2018 – Today was the first backyard bluebird sighting for us in 2018. Motivated us to get the boxes cleaned out, all 10 of them. Found some fresh green moss in one of the empty boxes..maybe a chickadee starting a nest? – Bill and Lizz Hoyle
  • March 25, 2018 – I caught sight of this on March 11 in Lindsay. Not something I suspect you see every day – chickadees hovering as best they could momentarily to drink from melting maple sap-cicles! Cheers. – Rick Procter


  • March 15 – I saw my first Turkey Vulture flying over the big bridge in Bobcaygeon this afternoon… I am knitting a hat for it as I think it will need it! LOL!! – Anne Irwin


  • March 13, 2018 – Today we followed a ground hog running south on Bridle Road. It headed for a hedgerow and hid in s depression in the brown grass .. perfect camouflage! There were pairs of Hooded Merganzers and Buffleheads on Mariposa Creek along with several individual pairs of Canada Geese set apart from a large flock. Signs of Spring Fever? – Maureen McEwan
  • February 27, 2018 – Today, on Monarch Road N and at the swamp on Peniel Rd we saw our first Red Winged Blackbirds… sure sign of Spring 2018. – Lloyd and Maureen McEwen
  • February 23, 2018 – Signs of Spring. This morning we had a Pileated Woodpecker come and check out our feeder offerings, but didn’t stay, because the squirrels had knocked the suet block off its hook. Newly arrived spring visitors this morning were Red Winged Blackbirds and Bronze Headed Cowbirds. – Judy and Robbie, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • January 15, 2018 – We found 20 Trumpeter Swans at 4 p.m. Sunday Jan. 14/18 down river from the Norland dam on Monck Rd. near Buller Rd. They were on open water where the Gull River widens and flows into the north end of Shadow Lake. – Anna Lambe, Jane Abray


  • January 6, 2018 – A female snowy owl was seen in the field on the southeast corner of Simcoe and the Woodville Road. -Eric Davis


  • December 19, 2017 – This morning a blue heron landed on a railing by the house. During the cold snap a northern harrier flew over birds feeding next to the house, sending them into the sky in an instant. – Arthur Gladstone

  • November 14, 2017 – On Prospect Rd north of Palestine Rd I saw and heard a flock of swamp sparrows. – Arthur Gladstone
  • October 23, 2017 – Yesterday October 22nd sitting on the deck of our cottage on the south side of four mile lake, we watched an adult pair of bald eagles circle for about 10 minutes in the middle of the lake then slowly drift north east. I’m from B.C. and this is a common site there but was thrilled to see this for the first time in Ontario after owning the cottage for 12 years. The white head and tail feathers and size of the pair was unmistakable. Such a thrill! – Chris Dennis
  • September 20, 2017 – Saturday 16 2017 I was walking along Jasper Drive on Balsam lake where we have very mature and tall trees. Suddenly I heard a noise right above me and when I look I see a bald eagle taking off from one tree and flying south to another area. Since I was right below I was able to appreciate the wingspan and the majestic movements it makes when flying. Unfortunately I didn’t have my phone to take a picture. I went back this time with my wife but we were not able to spot it. – Esteban
  • September 6, 2017 – During the past two weeks on two separate occasions I have seen night hawks flying past the farm house. 7 one evening and a solo bird the other. – Arthur Gladstone
  • August 13, 2017 -Travelling east on highway 48 a few k west of Balsam lake provincial park about 10am Sunday August 13th. Looking for meadowlarks on fence posts as I drove a yellow flash caught my eye. I instantly dismissed it as a meadowlark, not a light brown body with a white rump patch but a blackbird with a white wing patch. This bird flew along side me for several seconds giving me an awesome look at “first” for me. I have been an avid birder in Georgina for many years and “firsts” are not a common event. My family heard my story when I got to the cottage but I felt the need to share this with someone from the area. – Gord McKinzey
  • June 11 2017 – Have been having  Merlin Hawk for the past several days visiting  our front yard fountain. Adelaide North and Colborne St. W, Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson

  • May 8, 2017 – Yesterday May 8 2017 I spotted a Peregrine Falcon on Cheese factory rd, just west of Heights rd. It was far off sitting in a farmers field. In October 2015 I spotted one in the very same field, both are unbanded from what I can tell.  Teresa Middleton

  • May 6, 2017 -There was a Brown Thrasher,scratching and picking through the leaf mulch on my garden this morning.  Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • May 3, 2017 – A white-faced ibis somehow ended up just east of Cameron on the north side of Long Beach Road just west of the road into Southview Estates.  A lifer for me!  Eric Davis, Woodville

  • April 22, 2017 – A report of a white goose on Simcoe just south of Woodville sent me in search of what I was hoping was a Ross’ goose, a lifer for me.  Alas, not a Ross’ but a snow goose.  That is the first time I have seen one in this neck of the woods.  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 11, 2017 – So much activity at 3311 Elm Tree the past 4 days our backyard has hosted 2 fox sparrows, a pair of purple finches, 2 northern flickers, a pair of bluebirds, a tree swallow, and a phoebe, song sparrows,as well as the regulars…juncos, goldfinches, american tree sparrows, hairy and downy woodpeckers, red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches, bluejays, cardinals,(2 males and a female),chickadees, grackles, red-winged blackbirds, starlings, cowbirds,and a plethora of robins. I’ve heard a meadowlark but not yet a snipe. Today’s visitor was a first…I watched as a MOOSE sauntered across the horse pasture, jumped the fence and lingered in the hayfield before disappearing into the woods! Oh, and we’ve been seeing a huge jackrabbit, or European hare, early in the mornings. Love livin’here!!  Lizz Hoyle, Elmtree Road
  • April 9, 2017 – I saw this Blandings turtle on Talbot River Road on Sunday, April 9th, basking in the warm sun. Also saw a Belted Kingfisher fishing in the river just outside Victoria Road. A beautiful spring day!  Anna Lambe, Coboconk

  • April 4, 2017 – I’m currently just along the Monck road or #45 between kinmount and Norland just west of pinery road, north side of the highway, there are two cranes if anyone in the area would like to see them. They appear to be hunkered down for the night.
  • April 1, 2017 -While driving south out of Bobcaygeon, I saw my first Osprey this spring sitting on a nest by the side of the road. Maureen McEwan, Lindsay
  • March 30, 2017 – Lloyd and I spotted a Great Blue Heron sitting in a creek on the east side of Long Beach Road north of the lake (our first for this year). Maureen McEwan
  • March 28, 2017 – This crazy weather must have the poor birds so confused.  Today we had an Eastern Phoebe land, momentarily, on the screen on the outside of my office patio door.  Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • March 27, 2017 – Today I saw for the first time this year an Eastern meadowlark, near Cannington. On the Black School Road there is a flooded field on the south side, east of the Oakwood Road that has about 30 Northern Pintails in it. As well, there were killdeer in the area. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 25, 2017 – A large flock of Tundra Swans on Sturgeon east of Ken Reid Park (about 50) on the weekend. Killdeers over the park (Friday). Merlin over Lindsay (weekend)
  • March 25, 2017  – Flock of Turkey vultures over Lindsay (weekend). Sandhill Cranes over Ken Reid (weekend). Rob Stavinga
  • March 23, 2017 – The first bluebird of the year showed up at my place. Arthur Gladstone, Woodville
  • March 19, 2017 – I saw my first pair of loons for the year this afternoon. They seemed be courting as I thought one was hauling a small raft of weed behind, but in fact it as a loon swimming directly behind, very low and out-stretched in the water. Mmmm,  interesting. – Judy Edwards
  • March 17, 2017 – Tundra Swans are still along Scugog River, mostly just South of Cross Creek (visible from River Road) south of Lindsay and dispersed north of Lindsay in Scugog River around Alpine Resort area (not easily viewed). Difficult to count and identify as are mixed in with Trumpeter Swans and of course many 100’s of Canada Geese.My rough count early this Friday afternoon March 17, 2017 was about 83 Swans South of Cross Creek and about 50 around Alpine Resort, in each case probably 6 to 10 of those are Trumpeters.Most of the Scugog River has frozen again but as it starts to melt again in the coming days perhaps the Swans will be more easily viewed. The easiest place to see them will be on River Road near Cross Creek South of Lindsay if the Tundra Swans remain.If not too windy, listen carefully for the Tundra Swan’s call which is similar to the Sandhill Cranes as compared to the Trumpeter Swan’s more horn like call, which you should also be able to hear.There are also a number of Swans barely visible from Riverside Drive as this area is melted due to effluent from Sewage Lagoons. Access this from Angeline North, East on Willow Glen Drive, then either way on Riverside Drive. – Rob Millar
  • March 12, 2017 – A very early bird for my backyard this year.  I was surprised to see this Eastern Bluebird this morning.  Surely this is a sign spring is on the way.  Poor bird was really feeling the chilly weather. – Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon

  • March 11, 2017 – This Ruffed Grouse flew into an Ironwood tree and wandered delicately from branch to branch, even clinging upside down to eat the buds.  Anna Lambe, Bobcaygeon

  • March 8, 2017 – Coming back from Lindsay yesterday, in the pouring rain, I saw 2 Bald Eagles on Cty.Rd 24…..they were just past Scotchline Rd, on the lake side.  They were sitting up at the Osprey nest.  Probably just passing through but still nice to see.  Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon
  • March 7, 2017 – I visited the flooded field on Settler’s Road just south of Tracey’s Hill Road today.  Along with the multitudes of Canada geese, there were 48 Tundra swans and 2 mallards.  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 2, 2017 –  The Northern Goshawk returned to my backyard, on a sunny day, so wanted to send in a better photo than the other one that was taken in a blizzard (Feb.3/17).  The Goshawk stayed in the backyard for over half and hour actively hunting, looking around, and trying to figure out where the birds were hiding.  I was able to approach within in 50 feet of it which was an amazing experience and not something that I thought would ever happen.  They generally take off quickly with the first sign of people activity.  It finally decided on lunch and managed to take a Dove that it chased across the road and into the bush.  Poor Dove but the Hawk has to eat also.  –  Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon.

  • Feb. 27, 2017 – John B., Dan B., and I went to verify the species of Swans that John had seen on Settlers Road, off Pigeon Lake Rd., outside of Reaboro area….they were confirmed to be 78 Tundra Swans.  The fields are filled with water thus creating lots of ponds so should be good areas for future waterfowl sightings as spring arrives.  There were at least 1000 Canada Geese at this location and 2 Snow Geese. Good area to keep in mind when out birding.  Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon

  • February 27, 2017 – This morning, there are common grackles and red winged blackbirds at our feeders. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • February 25, 2017 – On 23 February 1 redwing blackbird joined other birds on the ground near my feeders. The next day there were 3. Today, 25 February there were 23, yes, 23 redwing blackbirds in our red maple tree. Arthur Gladstone, Argyle.
  • February 17, 2017 – This morning, I was greeted by the sight of a Red bellied Woodpecker (first ever) on our peanut feeder. The wild turkeys continue their daily visit to forage under our feeders in the front yard. Yesterday, one of 20 or so Robins that have been feeding from our crab apple tree all winter came to investigate a pile of seeds on the table just outside the patio door of my office. Then several more flew over and landed on the boughs in the big pot of Christmas greenery on the same table, to bask in the warm sunlight. I put out a board covered with chopped apples, but, as yet, there are no takers.Yesterday, and again today. huge flocks, from 100 to 300 Bohemian Waxwings have been swarming over the crab apple, as well as the mountain ash trees in the neighbours’ yards on either side of us. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • February 12, 2017 – Today in the afternoon a barred owl stopped by my place and perched in a Carolina poplar tree for a while. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 11, 2017 – at approximately 3:30pm, I saw a female Snowy Owl. It was perched on a branch, across from the Lindsay Airport, East side of Hwy.35 Tracey Anderson-Simpson, Courtice
  • February 10, 2017 – Coming through Bobcaygeon near the locks on January 29 2017 we saw this beautiful white Mallard (identified by the curly tail feathers). Ann Irwin said she had seen a white duck around late December – this must be it.

  • February 10, 2017 – at the junction of Monarch Rd South and Cross Creek Road we saw the more than 50 Robins that have been reported since December. Lloyd and Maureen McEwan, Lindsay
  • February 4, 2017 – I live in the Woods of Manilla and when I was driving through the neighbourhood about an hour ago, I saw a flock of robins. I’m shocked! I’ve never seen so many together never mind the fact that it is darn cold and February. Brenda Lawrence
  • February 3, 2017 – I was looking out my computer room window and a Northern Goshawk was sitting in a tree across the road. It was really snowing. Anytime a Goshawk has been here it is generally in bad weather…they must like the element of surprise coming out of a blizzard to grab prey. It was there for about ½ hour and then flew into the backyard and swooped around at some birds and then took off after one but not sure if it got it. I haven’t had hawks here for a long time and I generally have several…maybe things are going to change now. Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon

  • January 25, 2017 – This morning there are a flock of 20 or so American Robins, squabbling with a pair of Blue Jays over who has rights to the crabapple tree and its bounty.Then we  had a visit from a Sharp Shinned Hawk, looking for an easy meal in our crab apple tree,  Needless to see, there wasn’t another bird in sight.  Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • January 20, 2017 – Yesterday is the first time ever, that I have seen or been this close to wild turkeys. As I looked out the kitchen window, they sure were cleaning up the ground spill form all the little bird and squirrels. There were 7 birds. Now that they have found our place, we can only hope the neighbours keep their dogs indoors. Robbie Preston, Cameron
  • January 17, 2017 – As I sat at the living room window this afternoon, a cooper’s hawk and a junco it was chasing came at the window in front of my face.  The hawk had to back off, the junco glanced off the window and flew into a bush.  The hawk flew up into a tree.  Meanwhile, all the other birds disappeared, except for two woodpeckers, a hairy on the tube feeder and a downy on the suet feeder.  However for over twenty minutes those two peckers did not make a movement, completely motionless while the hawk remained in the tree.  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 17, 2017 – I saw a flock of about 20 snow buntings at the intersection of Eldon Station Rd and Rockview Road today.  Joyce Robinson, Woodville
  • January 16, 2017 – A cooper’s hawk visited our bird feeder.  It showed its back and then its front as it sat on a wire fence.  A single robin sat at the top of a red maple tree.  These sightings occurred at our farm on Prospect Rd.  Arthur Gladstone
  • January 16, 2017 – Today I saw a pair of otters fishing in Canal Lake and they both were successful.  I also saw a sharp-shinned hawk and a northern shrike.  That makes the third shrike I have seen this month!  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 13, 2017 – A group of six KFNers spotted a northern shrike at the Lindsay airport, a common raven on the Little Britain road and 120 or so snow buntings on Tracey’s Hill road.  Dan Bone, Fenelon Falls area
  • January 12, 2017 – I saw a Kestrel today sitting on power lines along Sandringham Road, south of Lorneville Road.  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 11, 2017 -We are too late for the bird count, I know, but we have had a red-wing blackbird at our feeder for the past several days – another bird whose wires are crossed! Ruth Anne Matthews, Fenelon Falls
  • January 10, 2017 -Spotted a lovely Northern Flicker at our feeder in Woodville on January 10, 2017. This is the first time we have seen a Northern Flicker at the feeder in January. WOW – what a surprise! Joyce Robinson, Woodville

  • January 5, 2017 – A lone male bluebird was perched on the hydro line in our driveway this afternoon. Lizz Hoyle, Elm Tree Road
  • January 1, 2017 – A male snowy owl was perched across from Lindsay airport today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 18, 2016 – Today there were three dandelions in full bloom in my backyard.  Guess they were loving the 18 degree weather and sun too!  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • August 9, 2016 – I saw 4 sandhill cranes just before 7AM this morning (Tuesday, August 9th 2016) in a field on the east side of Hwy 35, just south of Fleetwood Rd.  Andrew Toole-Lipinski
  • July 17, 2016 – We sighted a bald eagle at 11:30am, July 17th, 2016. Emerald Isle. Photo is here and thought you might like to know! Larry G.


  • July 8, 2016 – We sighted a bald eagle on Buckhorn Lake on the afternoon of July 6. It was on a rock, right on the water, near Flat Islands. Irene Davy
  • July 3, 2016 – Yesterday and today I was on Quaker road just west of Eden, and saw the red-headed woodpecker on the same telephone pole near the house on the north side. This is where one was located last year. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 28, 2016 – On Friday evening two least bitterns flew over our porch. On Monday a northern mockingbird flew about the property. Arthur Gladstone
  • June 26, 2016 – I spotted a sandhill crane this morning on laxton bexley boundary road just east of county road 41.  Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 19, 2016 – A photo of 2 sandhill cranes which I sighted Saturday, June 18.  Location:  West of Northy’s Road between the 13th & 14th lines in Smith Township.  Roy T. Bowles


  • June 18, 2016 – Looking for a place to ait in the shade by a lake, I decided to stop at the picnic area on Mitchell Lake. It was completely unexpected to find there a pileated woodpecker nest, chicks sticking their heads out of the hole and the parents feeding them, I could watch it all from my chair. That certainly was a lifer! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 14, 2016 – I was fortunate to be at the Prospect marsh this evening when a Least Bittern flew right across the road over my head. A difficult bird to see! Eric Davis, Woodville

  • May 25, 2016 – I was looking over Cameron Lake from Fenelon, near the Maryboro Museum, about 10:30 this morning, when my eye was caught by a fast swimming and very red-faced/red-billed waterbird; mostly white with some buffy brown on the crown, neck, and upper back. The bill was vaguely tube-nosed, or warty. The head may have had a hint of a crest, or something Trump-like. The tail protruded well behind where the wings crossed on its back; I saw it raise and fan its tail, showing black underneath. I did not see it dive or dabble, but it did pick an insect off the water. It tried to cozy up to a pair of Canada Geese and, although they did not flap, hiss or honk at it, they wanted nothing to do with it, and kept swimming away from it whenever it got closer than a few metres. It was about two-thirds the size of the Canada Geese. I think it was probably a muscovy duck, and wonder if anyone else has seen it, or has a better idea what it is. It went up and down the shore between the markers for the lock and the private docks to the NE several times in the half-hour I was there. Jane Abray

  • May 24, 2016 – My boys Scott and Shayne spotted a bald eagle at about 6pm on may 24 on the north end of lake scugog just where the river begins. Picture is blurry as it was taken with a phone from the boat. Scott King
  • May 11, 2016 – We have Baltimore Orioles and House Finches coming to our nectar and jam feeders in both front and back yards. This is the first time I have seen the house finches at the nectar feeder. They can’t get their wide beaks through the holes, but there is a seam around the feeder below the holes which fills with nectar when they land on it, or when the wind spills it out. They sit on the perches and lick the nectar out of the crevice. Judy Kennedy, 129 Victoria Drive, Southview Estates, Cameron ON.
  • May 10, 2016 – Bald eagles; Emily Creek….just across from the Park on County Road 24….commandeered an Osprey nest..Glen Sherwood
  • May 10, 2016 – On my way home from Fenelon Falls, I discovered a pair of Bluebirds nesting in a box with a tin roof. located on Longbeach Road, across from Village Street. Judy Kennedy, Cameron.
  • May 4, 2016 – Spotted a palm warbler this evening as we walked round the fields. Jan & Martin Ridway, Bexley
  • May 3, 2016 – I saw a pair of Sandhill cranes today (Tuesday, May3rd 2016) just a few minutes South of Lindsay, Ontario. I was driving South on Hwy 35 and was just North of Golf Course Rd. when the 2 cranes flew over my car heading West. Andrew Toole-Lipinsky, Lindsay
  • May 2, 2016 – At Carden this evening there were dozens of snipe in all sorts of places. However, the real hightlight was the yellow rail which was vocalizing often. It was on the west side of Wylie Road just north of the bridge. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 25, 2016 – The Purple Martins have returned to my neighbour’s Martin Hotel. They arrived on April 19th in the early afternoon and there appears to be 4 of 5. At least one is a female, but it was too hard to tell, as they were circling high above, of sitting inside the nest with just their heads sticking out. This morning, I also spotted an Osprey flying over the house with a good sized fish in its talons. Last year, a new nest was built on the hydro pole across from our community mailboxes on Anderson Drive, but, for some reason, it was abandoned half way through the summer. In the fall, Hydro One installed some new and taller poles and put a nest platform on a pole in the field behind the mailboxes. Happy to report that the pair moved right in and is building a new nest. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • April 23, 2016 – There was a semi-palmated plover and a bunch of greater yellowlegs at Walmart flats today! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 22, 2016 – I saw 3 loggerhead shrike today on Wylie Road by bluebird box 10. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 17, 2016 – Our pair of Merlins continue to be very active. Here is an image of one sitting on the nest. Twice this past week, I have observed three Merlins, but havn’t yet determined if there is a second pair nesting in the area. They have established a clear territory, and if a Crow comes into that area, they are immediately attacked and chased. Today while female was on nest, male brought her dinner. They are very vocal between each other. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • April 12, 2016 – Today there are several hundred Sandhill Cranes in a field on west side of Opmar Rd just north of Penial Rd. Lloyd & Maureen McEwan
  • April 11, 2016 – This evening I heard a virginia rail in the wetland at the junction of Lorneville and Sandringham roads, in the Woodville area. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 10, 2016 – On Monday 4th April we had these two moose come out of the woods, cross the field and down by the house, It was a cow and a youngster. They have been wintering in the woods this year and we saw the smaller one in January. There has been plenty of evidence of their presence by way of tracks and damaged trees.


On Sunday 10th April this Northern Shrike scared all the other birds off our feeders.


On Sat 9th April and Sunday the 10th April this partly leucistic pine siskin was at our feeders. It had a very white forehead and pink legs. In all other respects it was marked like a pine siskin and was with a mixed flock of pine siskins, tree sparrows, a couple of redpolls and a few American goldfinches. Jan and Martin Ridgway, Bexley


  • April 10, 2016 – The G7 – sandhill cranes, in a field on Tracey’s Hill Rd. this morning (April 8), near Sturgeon Rd. Rick Procter, Lindsay


  • April 10, 2016 – A picture of a northern version of the “Snowcap”. Martin and Jan Ridgway, Bexley


  • April 9, 2016 – Amidst all the “ pine siskin etc. frenzies” found at my feeders and elsewhere this past wintry week, I did have 2 Common Redpolls, 4 Fox Sparrows, and nearby my first Northern Flicker and Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker of the year. One DG Cormorant seen flying over the Big Bob River Bridge this morning. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • April 9, 2016 – There is a huge mass of waterfowl on the south side of Black School Road between County Rd 46 and Eden in a flooded farmer’s field. Hundreds and hundreds of Canada geese which has at least one Snow goose in with it. As well, there are a lot of ducks including ring-necked, many pintails, mallard, and green-winged teal. Further east along that road, on the north side between Eden and Opmar, there was a flock of about 25 sandhill cranes which included both the lesser and greater. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 3, 2016 – Last week I saw a bluebird in my yard. I’ve never seen one before, so it was quite a treat. I’ve also seen a pair of sandhill cranes fly over the field several times.(Angeline st N.) They showed up last year too. Wendy Jaen
  • April 1, 2016 – A fox sparrow visited my feeder this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 30, 2016 – The Ospreys have returned to the nest at Emily Park Road and Peace Road. Also saw my 1st Meadowlark of the year at Fox’s Corners. Derek Anderson CD
  • March 30, 2016 – male and female hairy woodpecker have been hanging around the feeders and nearby trees since mid-February. The goldfinches and pine siskins are around regularly, but in smaller numbers – usually 3-4 at a time. Two chickadees visit daily, we see two blue jays at least weekly. In the past week, we’ve had regular visits from a white-breasted nuthatch which sometimes hangs upside-down from the feeder. In the last two weeks there’s been a group of about 12 song sparrows in the bush and in/around the feeders along our house. Two weeks ago, 6 turkeys made an early appearance in the corner of our yard. Most days lately we have 9 American Robins at any given time in our grass, but this past Monday, that number suddenly spiked to 75 (just for a few hours). And today we saw a single dark-eyed junco eating from the ground below the feeder. Catherine Pentiricci, Bobcaygeon area
  • March 28, 2016 – Head the familiar call of an Eastern Phoebe from our driveway this morning. Judy Kennedy, Victoria Drive, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • March 27, 2016 – Found our first Osprey of the year on HWY 36 at Emily Creek. As you can see, he was very successful fishing today. Derek Anderson.


  • March 27, 2016 – I heard and then saw two Eastern Meadow Larks on the east side of Prospect Rd north of Glenarm Rd. Arthur Gladstone
  • March 23, 2016 – This beautiful female Red-bellied Woodpecker has been visiting our feeder daily since the middle of March. Joyce & Brian Robinson – Woodville


  • March 22, 2016 – The kestrels are back in town, I saw 3 of them today on hwy 46 north of Lorneville. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 19, 2016 – Stopped at Coboconk to check out the ducks at the bridge. There were 7 Hooded Mergansers quite close to the bridge. As well, I was able to photograph a Mink that slipped along the icy shoreline until he was able to get up onto the embankment. On a more local note, our pair of Merlins have been mating and seemed to have set up house in an old Crow’s nest at the top of a pine tree. Colborne St. West and Adelaide St. North region of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • March 19, 2016 – Female Bluebird joined the male that arrived on the 15th and they are both checking out the boxes. – Bill & Lizz Hoyle Elm Tree Rd.
  • March 18, 2016 – We have a pair of Merlins who swoop, screech and shriek throughout day . Seem to be interested in one tree in particular perhaps with nesting in mind. Also had three Turkey Vultures glide overhead at tree top level. Adelaide North and Colborne St. region of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • March 16, 2016 – I saw a pair of blue birds checking out a nesting bos. On 17 March I saw a single brown headed cow bird amongst the red winged black birds and grackles. Also, a killdeer flew over our farm on Prospect Rd.Arthur Gladstone
  • March 15, 2016 – Single male bluebird arrived today and is checking out the nest boxes. Lizz and Bill Hoyle, Elm Tree Rd.
  • March 13, 2016 – a single blue bird flew around our property on Prospect rd north of Glenarm. arthur gladstone
  • March 11, 2016 – I found horned larks on the Slanted Road this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 9, 2016 – Yesterday, there was a flock of around 30 Pine Siskins on the ground, under my feeders. That afternoon, pair of American Robins were seen, feasting on crab apples in our flowering crab tree. Today, the Grackles and Red winged Blackbirds have arrived and are cleaning out our feeders. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • March 9, 2016 – Just wanted to inform You that I spotted a huge Bald Eagle standing on the ice at the end of West St, Fenelon Falls close to the locks, I am trying to obtain photos from my neighbor so I can forward them to You . First time I’ve seen one,what an awesome raptor. Timothy Morin
  • March 8 , 2016 – I was out taking photos after an ice storm (Feb 20) when I spotted this eagle, it had caught a rabbit. It took off when I got out of the truck but it hung around keeping an eye on its lunch. I was able to get a couple of shots with a regular lens. Too bad I didn’t have the telephoto. Michael Holmes


  • March 7, 2016 – There were around 100 pine siskins devouring my birdseed this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 5, 2016 – A brown creeper was working its way up several of my trees early this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 3, 2016 – I found this lovely Ruffed Grouse on Prospect Road, north of Prospect marsh. Tracey Anderson


  • February 22, 2016 – Spotted a Snowy Owl in a field at the south east corner of Pigeon Lake Road and Post Road. Derek Anderson
  • February 20, 2016 – We were out walking on a trail beside the Bobcaygeon Dam. A mature bald eagle was flying overhead. We only got to see him for a couple minutes before he flew away. Trish Mcnish
  • February 13, 2016 – Sat February 13 saw a low flying bald eagle heading north of Strickland st in Lakefield. Dennis Davenport
  • February 10, 2016 – I decided on another outing up Prospect Road today, north of the Glenarm Road, then down Centennial Park Road to Palestine Road. On Prospect, I saw a pileated woodpecker on a pole, a Snowy owl at the intersection of Eldon Station Road, a rough-legged hawk north of the Prospect marsh and a ruffed grouse on Centennial Park road. For a half hour of birding, that was quite good I thought! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 3, 2016 – Saw a Snowy Owl in the field across from Wilsons Field on Colborne St. W. in Lindsay. It was sitting on a hump of snow deep into the field. As well today there were 100’s of Snow Buntings at the intersection of Hwy 35 and Thunderbridge Road. I would estimate 700+. Karen L. Anderson


  • February 3, 2016 – Every year almost to the day, we have a Pileated Woodpecker show up and this year was no exception. Adelaide North/Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • February 1, 2016 – Was looking for a Snowy on HYW 35 north of Colborne on Sunday Jan 31, and came across this Red-tailed Hawk. Derek Anderson


  • January 30, 2016 – A Northern Goshawk flew in this morning and perched in a tree above my feeders sending everything into hiding including the scolding jays. It left 5 minutes later without breakfast. I now have regular visits from 5 Northern Cardinals and up to a dozen Purple Finch providing some nice mid-winter colour. A mature Bald Eagle swooped over the Lindsay Landfill on Friday causing all the gulls to take to the air giving me a brief look at a Glaucous Gull as it flew over my vehicle. At a spot on north Fairbairn Road south of Bury’s Green Road. 15 Northern Ravens were doing flying acrobatics with two immature Bald Eagles. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • January 29, 2016 – I was checking a residence on Everet Rd., south of Coboconk and saw a Bald Eagle make several dives at a duck swimming along the shore. When he saw me he flew to the treetops on the other side of the river. As I was about to leave four Trumpeter Swans flew down the river from Cobie and landed in the water in front of the cottage. Dan Hosick
  • January 25, 2016 – Had a flock of starlings last week along with many other visitors lately.About 40 Bohemian waxwings a month or so ago. Our bird count day was terrible. Brian Markle
  • January 24, 2016 – There was a northern shrike on Fairburn Road, just north of the road connecting Fenelon to Bobacaygeon. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 20, 2016 – I saw a snowy owl on the Woodville Road, just west of Farms Road this afternoon. A beautiful male. And this was on the way home from having seen a long-eared owl at Thickson Woods! Eric Davis, Woodvelle
  • January 18 2016 – I interrupted this immature Red-tailed Hawk from eating his lunch when I came back home today. He was on the lowest branch of a pine tree at the edge of my driveway. I was alerted because of the noise that all of the squirrels were making in the yard. Somehow I managed to get into the house, grab my camera and sneak back out to take some photos before he flew away . Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • January 16, 2016 – For the past week, we’ve had a flock of approximately 25-30 golden finches at our feeder, with 5-6 Pine Siskins who seem to have joined the group in the last few days. Location in Bobcaygeon is on Pigeon Lake Rd, just a few houses south of 36. The golden finch flock is at our feeder daily, mostly in the AM, except when one of our local jays attempts to chase them away (for about 30 minutes or so), and then they come back. Until this week, the only visitors to our feeder (installed in Sept/2015) were 2 chickadees and a small group of 4 Blue Jays. I have some good photos of the golden finches and smallest of our jay family, as the feeder is next to a window. Catherine Pentiricci
  • January 16, 2016 – For the past two days a song sparrow has joined the birds at our feeders. The red bellied woodpecker is still eating from the suet hanger. arthur gladstone, Prospect Rd
  • January 11, 2016 – Great pic of a pine siskin at the feeder of Jane and Anna, taken by Anna.


  • January 11, 2016 – On Prospect Road, north of the Prospect Marsh, I saw a ruffed grouse; on hwy 48 east of Prospect, there was a rough-legged hawk and then on Eldon Station Road just west of Rockview sitting on a telephone pole on the south side of the road there was a juvenile golden eagle. Quite a productive day!! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 8, 2016 – Thanks to the tip from Vic Orr, I saw a flock of about 30 Bohemian waxwings at the very west end of Francis Street in Fenelon Falls. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 7, 2016 – I found a boreal chickadee at the Petroglyphs Provincial Park about 200 feet in from Northey’s Bay Road. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 7, 2016 – Two American Robins feeding on the Crabapple Trees at the front of Lindsay Rec Centre. Karen L. Anderson
  • January 5, 2016 – This morning around 10am, we were lucky enough to spot an adult bald eagle, flying quite low overhead, as it head along the eastern shore of Chemong Lake just north of the causeway in Bridgenorth.
  • January 2, 2016 – Seen in Bobcaygeon on January 2nd a flock of about 75 Bohemian Waxwings in the Port 32 Subdivision (enter off East St./Hwy. 36 on to Mill Street past the Esso Station). They were perched on the tallest treetops. Also a large flock of Pine Siskens on Front Street West, a Rough-legged Hawk on Devitt’s Road and one winter Robin at the corner of Devitt’s & Irwin’s Roads off Hwy. 49 north of Bobcaygeon. John Bick, Bobcaygeon.
  • December 18, 2015 – Great Horned Owl on peak of farmer’s barn just east of Downeyville at dusk. Kevin White, St. Luke’s Road, Downeyville
  • December 18, 2015 – There are as many as 15 Great Black-backed Gulls at the Lindsay Sewage Lagoons (viewed from the gate). This is the most I have ever seen there at one time. There was one Bohemian Waxwing at the Somerville Landfill on Ledge Road today. Usually I find Bohemians in flocks and GBB Gulls in single numbers but this is not a usual winter. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • December 10, 2015 – A purple finch showed up at my feeder this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • December 8, 2015 – A red bellied woodpecker appeared at a hanging suet feeder at my place. Arthur Gladstone


  • December 2, 2015 – Yesterday and today there is a grackle appearing at my feeder. It is leucistic since it has white on its wings and half its tail is white. Eric Davis, Woodville


  • November 30, 2015 – Follow-up from post yesterday………I had 10 (M&F) Evening Grosbeaks this morning. They are such beautiful birds, hoping for more to show up. Anne Irwin Irwins Rd. Bobcaygeon
  • November 29, 2015 – The first male Evening Grosbeak appeared in my backyard this morning. Hope it was scouting out the area for food and there will be more tomorrow morning. October 15, 2014 was the first one last year and it was also a male. Anne Irwin …..Irwins Rd. Bobcaygeon
  • November 23, 2015 – I found a pileated woodpecker in my back yard today, it has been years since I have seen one here. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 19, 2015……..Bald Eagles seem to be on the move and luckily being seen more often. This morning I had a Juvenile Bald Eagle, probably roosting overnight, in a tree in the fence row behind my backyard. It was a distance off but the size certainly told me it wasn’t a Red-tailed Hawk. It was still a bit dark out but when a couple of Crows came to escort it off the property, the wing span and large hooked bill was definitely a confirmation it was an Eagle. The fuzzy pictures I was able to get also helped confirm the ID. Yesterday afternoon an Adult Bald Eagle flew over the back farm field. I was also fortunate to get some pictures of a pair of Adult Bald Eagles on Bass Lake Road, Nogies Creek. There is also a calf Bull Moose hanging around the area. Lots of wildlife if you are just in the right place at the right time. Enjoy the weather, winter is going to get here sooner than later now. Anne Irwin……Irwins Rd., Bobcaygeon
  • November 18, 2015 – There are signs that winter birding has started . Today while driving the roads north of Bobcaygeon over to Bulmer’s Road and back, I saw one adult Bald Eagle, one Northern Shrike, several Ravens, and a mixed flock of Pine Siskens and Common Redpolls on the north part of Fairbairn Road. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • November 17, 2015 – Hi, Although I’m not strictly in your area, I live close enough I thought you might be interested in this. Coming to my feeder for the last few weeks is a Red Bellied Woodpecker. I noticed it is listed as very rare on your list; maybe it’s more common here in Minden? I live just outside of town off the Deep Bay Road. Sharon Bayly
  • November 15, 2015 – Flock of 25-30 Sandhill cranes flew of the Robt Johnson trails yesterday at about 4pm Peter Beales
  • November 12, 2015 – Hello, My name is Caroline Bakalarz, an ET student at Fleming College. On October 23rd, 2015 at around 5:30pm I spotted an albino robin on the Frost Campus. Small tufts of orange were visible on the chest even though a majority of it was white, and his back was still predominantly dark. He was flying around with a whole group of robins, they seemed to be feeding. I even managed to snap two pictures before they flew off! Enjoy 🙂


  • November 9, 2015 – Saw my first Northern Shrike of the season on Kirkfield Road approximately 1 km north of Glenarm Road and a Barred Owl on Opmar Road. Karen L. Anderson
  • November 7,2015 – I have up to 8 Rusty Blackbirds, 1 lingering Fox Sparrow and some newly-arrived American Tree Sparrows at my feeders these days. Also 4 Wood Ducks remain in my woods pond. Today there were 7 Green-winged Teal showing well in a pond on Marks Road north of the Fenelon Township Landfill. I also was able to see the Black Scoters at Pleasant Point between Dunsford and Lindsay earlier this unusual sighting on an inland lake. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • November 3, 2015 – I saw a female black scoter with juveniles on Sturgeon Lake off of Pleasant Point today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • October 28, 2015 – I observed 4 Snow Buntings near my feeder today around noon. I also saw and Eastern Towhee and 52 Rusty Blackbirds. Dan Bone, north of Fenelon Falls
  • October 27, 2015 – I saw two Eastern Bluebirds on Goose Lake Road, just east of the Hartley road today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • October 12, 2015 – Well we figured out where the 40+ Turkey Vultures are roosting. Pretty much beside our house!! We see them flying over Bond St. W., Adelaide St. N., Fairview Court at tree top level close to dusk. They settle down in a large lot at the end of Fairview Court in Lindsay. Last night, when we startled them trying to get a photo , all you could hear was the “whoosh” of those large wings, and cascading black walnuts crashing to the ground when they lifted off the branches. Karen L. Anderson
  • October 9, 2015 – Found approximately 150-200 Sandhill Cranes in a field on Cambray Road just west of Opmar Road near Cambray. They were quite far back off the road. There were also several small groups of Cranes on Goose Lake Road also near Cambray. Karen L. Anderson
  • September 28, 2015 – About 6:45 p.m. last night a gathering of about 40 – 50 Turkey Vultures starting to circle at tree top height, then perch on trees Bond St. between Albert St. N., and Adelaide St. N. By the time we walked to Bond., they had all but disappeared. Wondered if anyone else saw them as well? This morning our cedar hedge is full of White-throated Sparrows. Karen L. Anderson
  • September 20, 2015 – This morning in my mountain ash tree, there were both the Swainson’s and Grey-cheeked thrushes. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • September 16, 2015 – Took a photograph of a bird through my dining room window that appeared to be a Common Grackle that had met with a white can of paint!!! The image isn’t great, however after sending off the photograph to a birder far more experienced than myself, discovered that it is a “leucistic” Common Grackle. We certainly have had some interesting birds at our house this Fall. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • September 15, 2015 – Had a Pileated Woodpecker in our yard tonight. We are wondering if it was an immature because he had a lack of feathers on his neck and his crown looked odd. He spent quite a bit of time prying off large chunks of bark. Adelaide St. North and Colborne St. West area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • September 5, 2015 – Five Sand hill cranes were spotted yesterday, Sept, 4th, 2015, soaring over the Dunsford Golf and Country club, in Dunsford Ont. Caroline Ryan
  • August 30, 2015 – Lots of shorebirds in clear view at the marshy area corner of Hwy 35 and Colborne St. West. We saw three Lesser Yellowlegs who ran through the water at top speed bobbing their heads in and out of the water, Greater Yellowlegs, Semipalmated Sandpipers, at least 20 Kildeers, Great Blue Heron and a large gathering of Canada Geese and Mallards rounded out the day. Karen L. Anderson
  • August 28, 2015 – Not so many Warblers in our yard today, however we did have an Ovenbird on the small runway at our backyard pond which I photographed through our dining room window. Adelaide St. N. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • August 27 2015 – Our backyard was full of Warblers yesterday, including: Yellow-rumped, Black and White, possibly a Magnolia Warbler and others that I couldn’t identify. They seemed to be attracted to our Birch. Also had a Cardinal family with three immature. White-breasted Nuthatches have also been appearing back at our feeder and “bald” Blue Jays, which we have every year at this time plus the first Merlin in a few weeks was perched within view of my kitchen window. Adelaide St. N. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • Over the past 3 1/2 years, we have been trying to turn our suburban grassland into nature friendly habitat. It seems to be working, as this year, the House wrens returned to our “Cat Face” birdhouse, the Robins build their nest in our spruce tree, on a branch just over our heads, and the Red Eyed Vireos built their nest just above our heads in the Red Norway maple. I suspect there is a Waxwing’s nest in the pine tree, but I have yet to find it. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • July 28, 2015 – The Monarch butterflies have arrived in my garden. So far, I have managed to collect 6 caterpillars over the past few days and they are all about to turn in to chrysalis. A female Monarch was surveying my milkweed garden this morning, but didn’t leave any eggs. Time will tell. I’m working under the Toronto Entomologists’ blanket permit, which allows their members to collect and rear up to 100 butterflies, as well as capture, tag and release unlimited numbers. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • July 27, 2015 – Yesterday evening we counted 70 barn swallows on our electrical lines plus a few more in the air. This beats the previous record of 42 plus set a few years ago. arthur gladstone
  • July 3, 2015 – Not very often you see a red-headed woodpecker in our neck of the woods, what a beautiful bird. Eric Davis, Woodville


  • June 25, 2015 – At Prospect Marsh this evening, I saw a Virginia Rail flying from one side of the road to the other side at the bridge. It then flew back again and later made the same trip. I have never seen this bird in flight before and the colours and patterns on its dorsal side were vivid in the light that was available that evening. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 19, 2015 – An albino robin and another one has been sighted in back yards of homes on residential street in Lindsay Ontario, June 18 and 19, 2015. Seen by Sharon and Jim Phelps


  • June 9, 2015 – I have attached a picture of a swan sighted today on Otonabee River below lock 19 (I believe) Lansdowne st East & River Road south. It has been here for about 3 hours, swimming up and down. Perhaps someone has lost it. Sharon Watts.


  • June5, 2015 – For a look at the moose that showed up in the Horne’s back yard, have a look!


  • May 25, 2015 – Spotted a Great Egret walking on my Lake Chemong shore line. Appeared alone. Walking in shallow water along some rocks. May 14th east shore near 11th line & Centre in Selwyn Colleen
  • May 23, 2015 – A pair of red-headed woodpeckers seen nesting in Bexley cemetery – just in time for the Carden Challenge! Martin Ridgway
  • May 6, 2015 – They’re here – Baltimore oriole, hummingbirds, and rose-breasted grosbeaks!! Lizz Hoyle, Elm Tree Road, east of Glenarm.
  • May 6, 2015 – Last week we were serenaded by a Northern Mocking bird several mornings in a row and one of our Green Herons was back. The Heron’s have nested with us for the last three years. This morning I saw a Baltimore Oriole on one of our peanut feeders, this is an unusual sighting for us but not a first. Later in the day a male Ruby Throated Hummingbird was at the nectar feeder which I had hopefully put out a couple of days ago. We have numerous Snowshoe Hares bounding around looking so pretty as their coats turn from white to brown. This is the only time of year we see them as they come to check out what we are growing in the garden, but it us an annual occurrence. The ground hog population of Doyle Road is looking sleek and healthy, we appear to have one male and three females around as usual this year. The Tree Swallows are staring to build in the nest boxes but we have only seen two pairs of Bluebirds so far and they have completed one nest. Jan and Martin Ridgway, Bexley.
  • May 5, 2015 – Yesterday, I purchased a grape jelly feeder for Baltimore Orioles. Sure enough, at 7:30 this morning, there was a spectacular male Baltimore hunting for insects in our ornamental crab apple tree. He hasn’t discovered the grape jelly yet, and I can’t wait till he finds it. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • May 4, 2015 – I was planting seeds in my vegetable garden this morning and decided to rest my back and sat in a chair, next to a patch of red and yellow tulips beside the house. Suddenly, there was a whir of wings and a flash of emerald and red, as a beautiful male Ruby throated Hummingbird whizzed by my ear. I’m certain he had been headed for the red tulips, but was just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Within a few minutes, the Hummingbird feeders were filled and out in the garden and a trip into town added a grape jelly feeder for the Baltimore Orioles, which should arrive any day. Judy Kennedy, Cameron.
  • May 4, 2015 – A white-crowned sparrow was feeding on the ground under my feeder this morning. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • May 3, 2015 – 4 Cliff swallows are investigating the old nests under the eaves of our old blacksmith shop. Good to have them back. Had 6 last year and dozens 20 years ago. Dan Bone, north of Fenelon Falls
  • May 2, 2015 – An American bittern has returned to the swamp near my place. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 25, 2015 – A young moose was seen west of Head Lake, on the south side of Monck Rd, in cattail wetlands east of Sebright at 4 PM this evening, south of the Queen Elizabeth Wildlands. Noah Cole
  • April 21, 2015 – A pair of Osprey are presently setting up housekeeping on a hydro pole, directly opposite the Southview Estates community mailboxes on Anderson Drive, just south of Longbeach Road, east of the village of Cameron. There has been a permanent nest on the little island, offshore of Fenelon Drive in the north end of the community for several years. Perhaps this is one of the parents’ offspring, bringing a new mate. Judy Kennedy & Robbie Preston, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • April 16, 2015 – The Red-necked Grebe is gone, but this morning, around 8 am, a Pied-Billed Grebe swam past the dock, as well as a pair of Common Loons. This end of Balsam Lake usually has 3 pairs of nesting loons. Also, around 6am, at first light, Brian saw approximately 50 Dark-eyed Juncos feeding all over our lawn. They must be gathering for the trek north to their boreal nesting grounds. For me, winter isn’t completely over until the Juncos and Redpolls are gone. We also had 3 Common Redpolls today at our niger feeder, plumping up, no doubt. Anne Barbour
  • April 16, 2015 – Today, April 16, 2015, at 9.40am, Lloyd & I were driving north on Monarch Road when this bird flew out from the hedgrow & landed on the post east of Monarch just south of Thunderbridge Rd. We think it’s a female Eastern Meadowlark. This is our first meadowlark sighting for a couple of years. Maureen Mcewan
  • April 15, 2015 – A photo of a red-necked grebe swimming off the dock at the Barbour’s place.


  • April 11, 2015 – A single Rusty Blackbird was in my backyard early yesterday morning. It may have come in with all the high winds. It didn’t stay long. Last year I had a single one on April 15th so it was a few days early this year. This morning a male Sharp-shinned Hawk decided to check out the backyard birds. He left empty handed but sure created a big scare for the birds that were there at the time……. am sure he will return…………Anne Irwin
  • April 11, 2015 – The return of the phoebe and Wilson’s snipe today confirmed to me that spring indeed has sprung! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 3, 2015 – I saw an osprey today on hwy 35 north of the glenarm road, first one of the season. In my garden at the back of the house there were 3 garter snakes enjoying the sunshine and warmth! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 2, 2015 – I was driving from lindsay and spotted a bald eagle today on hwy 24 near Dunsford at around 1pm. He had just landed on the ice. It was an amazing sight. Abbie
  • March 31, 2015 – I did some birding from Woodville up to Lake Dalrymple; 3 northern shrikes, 2 northern harriers, 1 dark phase rough-legged hawk, pied billed grebe and blue heron were the highlights. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 29, 2015 – Anna Lambe and I were on Monck’s Road, less than five minutes west of the railway tracks at Rathburn, on Thursday March 26 about 7 pm. Two sandhill cranes flew over the road, heading NNW; first we’ve seen this year. Not the first we’ve seen at this location. Jane Abray
  • March 24, 2015 – A hoary redpoll has shown up again at my feeder along with a couple of commons. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 22, 2015 – The first song sparrow of the season arrived today, but he aint doing much singing!! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 22, 2015 – We saw a Northern Shrike on Linden Valley Road near Cambray. Karen L. Anderson
  • March 21, 2015 – A male bluebird arrived and started checking out the boxes. Also came up to the bird feeder close to the house to announce his arrival. Bill & Lizz Hoyle Elm Tree Rd at Glenarm Rd.
  • March 20 – Yesterday a rough legged hawk was hunting around Prospect Rd. and Eldon Station Rd. Today our red wing blackbird count is over 20 and our first grackle visited. A flock of robins moved across our north east pasture. The snow buntings were gone on the 18th. Arthur Gladstone
  • March 20, 2015 – Finally, two American Robins arrived on my front lawn today. Certainly not any worms available for them but they did get some berries from a Glossy Buckthorn tree…….Anne Irwin
  • March 17, 2015 – I saw a single Turkey Vulture fly low over my house around 4:15pm. It was coming from the south and going north. Hope it brought a warm winter hat. Surely now spring is closer. Anne Irwin
  • March 16, 2015 – …..first Red-winged Blackbirds in my backyard this year. There were 2 this morning, and then 4 but am now up to 6 this afternoon. In 2013 they arrived on March 10th and in 2014 they arrived on March 19th…..looks like they are right in the middle this year. Spring is on the way……….Anne Irwin.
  • March 14, 2015 – Because I do this every year, I will continue by mentioning that my first robin and red-winged blackbird flew in today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 13, 2015 – At 8:15am this morning had 60+ Bohemian Waxwings in a tree along a fence row close to my backyard. They only stayed about 10 minutes as that was how long it took them to get all the berries off a Glossy Buckthorn tree. It was really nice to see them but low lighting prevented me from getting any pictures…..DARN!! I had 25+ Cedar Waxwings in the same tree a month ago. My two remaining Snow Buntings left yesterday……had fun over the winter watching and photographing 150+. Too bad the Starlings didn’t join them going North. Anne Irwin
  • March 12, 2015 – I saw a northern shrike on Prospect north of Palestine. They are still around. Arthur Gladstone.
  • March 10, 2015 – Snowy owls today; one was spotted at Slanted Road and HWY 7, one at Fieldside Road and Pigeon Lake Road and one at Colborne Road and HWY 35. Derek Anderson.
  • March 6, 2015 – We have a pair of Brown Creepers feeding at the suet block hanging from our feeder in the front yard. I have had the occasional sightings over the past couple of years of a single bird, hunting for insects on the bark of our maple and spruce trees, but this pair are daily visitors now. When I first saw them, they were picking up bits of suet which had fallen to the ground, left by the Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers. Now they have advanced to actively pecking at the suet block and are frequent daily visitors. Judy Kennedy & Robbie Preston, Victoria Drive, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • March 2, 2015 – A white-winged crossbill has been at my feeder this afternoon along with a flock of redpolls. Eric Davis, Woodville


  • February 28, 2015 – Good afternoon. I just spotted a bald eagle flying less that 100 feet over my head in Bobcaygeon. I saw it flying over little bob channel then over the dam heading south west at 1400 hrs. Ron johnson
  • February 28, 2015 – Above the falls in Fenelon Falls, there was a canvasback and 6 goldeneyes today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 24, 2015 – For the last several days there has been a hoary redpoll coming to my feeder. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 20, 2015 – Saw a female Snowy last night at Fieldside and Pigeon Lake Road and Male Snowy tonight at Golden Mile and Highway 7. Derek Anderson
  • Feb 19, 2015 – Had five Cedar Waxwings at my small backyard pond this afternoon. My husband endeavours to keep the waterfall going all winter long. Crows were giving chase to a Cooper’s Hawk that has been hunting at our bird feeder this past week . Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region of Lindsay. K. L. Anderson
  • February 16, 2015 – Pretty sure we have a Cooper’s Hawk hunting for birds in our back yard these past few days. Two years ago we had a pair nesting in tree beside our home and they successfully raised two young. Adelaide St. North and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. K.L. Anderson
  • February 16, 2015 – A beautiful Snowy Owl was sat at the top of a tree opposite Lindsay Airport on Thursday 12th Feb. There was a Bald Eagle flying over Hannivan’s Creek (west of Coboconk) on Friday 13th Feb. We had a red fox sniffing round the barn and hunting over the fields on 20th Jan. Jan and Martin Ridgway, Kirkfield.
  • February 13, 2015 – A cooper’s hawk flew into my yard today over the bird feeder trying to catch one of the small birds. It missed and remain perched in a nearby tree so that I could get excellent views of it. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 8, 2015 – Perhaps this Snowy Owl has already been sighted, but I saw a large one on Hwy 7 just West of Oakwood sitting in clear view on a mature tree on the North side of the highway. Karen L. Anderson
  • February 7, 2015 – On 7 February a northern goshawk landed at the top of large cedar tree at the edge of Prospect Rd. and my property. The eyestripe made me think of the osprey, but they are not around. It was not a northern harrier. Arthur Gladstone
  • February 5, 2015 – On Thursday the 5th of Feb I saw Bald Eagle soaring over the locks in Lindsay just circling. Very regal looking….John Gibb
  • February 2, 2015 – I saw a flock of approximately 100 snow buntings tonight at in the field behind the south west corner house intersection of Pigeon Lake Road and Sturgeon Lake Road. Also there are at least 2 female Snowys on Pigeon Lake Road, one near # 833 and the other is between the drive-in and Weldon Road. Derek Anderson


  • January 24, 2015 – For anyone interested in seeing a Pine Warbler, there is one frequenting the bird feeder at the campground entrance (not Park Office) at Presqu’ile Provincial Park. Though we didn’t see any Snowy Owls this time, there were three Bald Eagles clearly visible from the Government Dock at the edge of the ice and still some Snow Buntings on Gull Island. Karen L. Anderson
  • Janurary 22, 2015 – I had a white-throated sparrow at my feeder this afternoon. I have never seen one here at this time of year before. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 22, 2015 – Saw two Snowy Owls on my way home from Peterborough this afternoon. The first was on a large tree directly across from 906 Pigeon Lake Road, and the second was just a little further down the road at the top of a hydro pole on Fieldside just outside of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • January 22, 2015 – Hi, Just wanted to report that i saw a snowy owl on top of a hydro pole on Tracey’s Hill Road near a large field. Sighting was at noon, Wed. January 21st. Lindsay Garton
  • January 21, 2015 – I saw two snowy owls and a dark phase rough-legged hawk over the fields on the east side of Heights Road north of Pigeon Lake Road. What a sight!! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 20, 2015 – I presently have a white snowy owl behind our home, perched on a mound of earth about 300 feet away. Old Pearson Farm field behind Matchett Cres. Lindsay. Sandra Chapman
  • January 19, 2015 – This morning 19 or 20 red polls visited the feeder area. I have not seen a red poll around my house in six years. Arthur Gladstone
  • January 16, 2015 – Spring must be coming!!!! Just had a Robin in our backyard. Adelaide St. and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • January 15, 2015 – Early this afternoon I saw a northern shrike on Prospect Rd north of Palestine Rd. It flew by me and perched on a shortish tree next to the road. It sat there as I walked up to it to get a better look at its black eye band. Made my day. Arthur Gladstone
  • January 15, 2015 – Reporting a large snowy owl Jan14 5:00pm on Tracey’s hill road on a hydro pole – looks like the same one I saw on Dec22 am on the same pole. Kevin Carlucci
  • January 12, 2015 – This afternoon I saw what appeared to be a bald eagle soaring overhead while I was out shoveling my driveway in Snug Harbour. While pointing it out to my son, another one soared behind the first. Came from down the lake heading toward Bobcaygeon. It was so amazing! Christine Larocque
  • January 10, 2015 – A large flock of snow buntings was scouring the edges of the Oakwood Road, just south of Black School Road. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 4, 2015 – A snowy owl sat on the fountain box in Little Lake from my first sighting at 9:00 am and still there at 4:00 pm. Carl Welbourn, Kawartha Camera Club
  • January 3, 2015 – Jan 1 2015 – Saw a single Snowy Owl yesterday and today at Wilson Fields in Lindsay. This one was on the lights in the soccer field. Had our first Red-breasted Nuthatch this winter at our feeder, along with a Hairy Woodpecker enjoying the suet in the Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. area of Lindsay. Karen Anderson
  • January 3, 2015 – I live on sturgeon lake and I have been enjoying the company of 4 large eagle’s two mature and two immatures . just amazing. Glenn Beatie
  • January 3, 2015 – Today I had two white-winged crossbills visit my feeder. I have never seen them here before. You can see a picture here. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 1, 2015 – I saw a bald eagle at 1PM today on North Line Road (just South of the bridge) in Fenelon Falls. Charlie Carr


  • December 28, 2014 – I saw this snowy owl sitting on a fence post on Post road on Christmas Day. She allowed me to get within about 25 feet of her before she took flight. I saw another snowy owl that was sitting in the open field across from Wilson Fields on Colbourne St., Lindsay. I have been lucky enough to see 4 different owls over this Christmas time…they’re back! 🙂 Maureen Raby


  • December 28, 2014 – Spotted a single Snowy owl deep in the field at the intersection of Pigeon Lake road and Heights Road, just outside of Lindsay today. Also today saw and heard a Raven over Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W., Lindsay . Karen L. Anderson


  • December 28, 2014 – Today is December 28 th and a snowy owl has been with us for a week or more. Sitting in the cow pasture right now. Post road just off Pigeon Lakr Road. Cindy Porter
  • December 26, 2014 – Brian & I just saw this owl on Hwy 36 south of Bobcaygeon just north of Cheese Factory Rd. Anne Barbour, Coboconk


  • December 24, 2014 – Saw 2 snowy owls tonight on my way home . 1 was on the north side of Pigeon Lake Road at the drive in, the other was approx. 3km east of the drive in on the south side of the road .Derek Anderson
  • December 22, 2014 – Saw a large snowy owl on a hydro pole today 12-22-2014 Tracey’s hill road Omemee saw your website so I thought I would report it. Kevin Carlucci, Omemee, Ontario
  • December 20, 2014 – A single perched atop a hydro pole on the north side of the Lindsay airport, Saturday, 20 Dec 2014. Carl Welbourn, Kawartha Camera Club
  • December 12, 2014 – There was a single Snowy Owl on a hydro pole on Hwy 35 just down from the OPP Detachment today. Karen L. Anderson
  • December 11, 2014 – I spotted a flock of snow buntings on the Woodville Road; time to get out the scope and analyze these flocks for hidden treasures! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • December 3, 2014 – During the snowfall this morning, I had my first sightings of a flock of 50+ Common Redpolls on the north part of Fairbairne Road north of Sturgeon Lake. I also had a quick glimpse at a Rough Legged Hawk in the same vicinity. There are still Common Goldeneye, Common Mergansers and Buffleheads on Sturgeon Lake when the wind is not bearing down from the west. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • November 26, 2014 – NOV 26 There were two Snowy Owls today on Hwy 35 near Colborne St just across from go cart business. One large pure white was on telephone pole and the other appeared smaller and had black markings. It was situated on hydro pole closer to Colborne and back from road. K.L. Anderson
  • November 23, 2014 – To our amazement we are pretty sure that over the last 2 days on White Lake we have had the pleasure of following a huge and beautiful trumpeter swan! Jeffrey Kugler
  • November 21, 2014 – As last night’s ice started to break up as the wind rose, a Bald Eagle flew by on Sturgeon Lake. About 50 feet offshore heading WSW. Around 2:30. Awesome. Roger Peacock
  • November 20, 2014 – At 3:30 pm on November 20 there was a large flock of 100 wading type birds probably cranes over Bethany attempting to fly south west.They appeared to be struggling hampered by a strong northwest wind. The birds came to our attention as they were calling a kind of cooing. Birds were taupe or a light grey, long legs straight out the back and long necks. It seemed like a late migration for this type of bird , temperature -5C and all the ponds frozen. Michael Holmes, Bethany,Ont.
  • November 19, 2014 – It was a beautiful day today so we went to the cottage on mississaugua Lake ..just to clean up the leaves.To our amazement at four o’clock when we were getting ready to leave a spectacular bald eagle flew into our bay and went fishing.He wasn’t very successful so he came and went in four or five minutes but we just stood in wonder and watched. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. A bald eagle on our lake. And what is it doing here on November. 11 2014.I’m so glad to see them coming into our area. I hope to see one or a pair in the spring. Nature at its finest. So glad to have seen this today. What a great day!!!!!!
  • November 19, 2014 – November 19 2014: After I cleared off the snow from the feeders this morning and put out feed a single Red-winged Blackbird was fighting for space amongst the Mourning Doves. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson
  • November 16, 2014 – I have two pine siskins at my feeder. This is the first time in two years I have seen them here. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 16, 2014 – I had planned to go Cattle Egretting on Sunday afternoon but decided instead to go over to Burleigh Falls. Found this lone Brant Goose eating grass near the boat launch on the Trent Severn property. Easy views from the parking lot. No luck locating Snow Goose which had been seen between Lakefield and Lock 25. John Bick


  • November 6, 2014 – My name is Lisa and we just moved onto Westview Drive in Omemee last September. Its amazing the new birds that we have seen here that I have never seen before. I read somewhere about a website to report bird sightings so I am not sure if this was the correct site. Today we have several Junco’s and a pileated wood pecker hanging around along with the chickadees and sparrows. The pileated wood pecker has been here every season since last September but I haven’t seen it in a couple of months but its nice to see it back today. We have also had an abundance of norther flickers however I suppose now they have migrated. I look forward to the spring which is when we saw the indigo bunting. Then of course our hummer and orioles will return. I have also learned to keep my finch food out over winter as the finch stays but changes colour….I never knew that! Happy bird watching! Lisa Treen
  • November 2, 2014 – Two Ravens flew over our house croaking today. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region of Lindsay. K Anderson
  • October 30 2014 – Went to Presqu’ile Provincial Park and for the first time was able to walk through shallow waters over to Gulf Island which is off Owen’s Point. Water came up almost to the top of my rubber boots. So choose your footing carefully 🙂 Saw Horned Lark, Snow Buntings, Greater Yellowlegs, Bonaparte Gulls, Gadwalls, Buffleheads and Long-tailed Duck all from the Island. Walking back to Owen’s Point also saw White-rumped Sandpiper and Pectoral Sandpiper. Definitely worth the trip to see. Just remember that you only have access to Owen’s Point, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday due to hunting. Also a few Monarch Butterflies lingering about, and Red Admirals. K.L. Anderson
  • October 15, 2014 – Bald Eagle Sighting October 15, 2014 at around 8:45 a.m. on 35 about 15 minutes south of Lindsay. Noticed a flock of black birds with lots of commotion only to see the much larger Bald Eagle in the mix! Beautiful! Laura Blaker
  • October 9, 2014 – Look what this juvenile hooded merganser is having for dinner! Anne Barbour


  • October 6, 2014 – Driving home this evening, saw 40-50 Turkey Vultures flying over the Colborne/Williams Street area in Lindsay. Derek Anderson
  • September 26 2014 – At least one of our Merlins are back after a long absence. Started hearing the familiar screeching two days ago. Today it was back on its favorite perch a tall pine with dead branches at the top. Tree is on Colborne St. West, north side of the road, between Adelaide St. N. and Albert St. N. It is about 4 houses down from the large apartment building. K.L. Anderson


  • September 26, 2014 – September 26 2014 – Have been going to Presqu’ile Provincial Park weekly and enjoying shorebird migration at tip of Owen’s Point. Found a group of about 20 Pectoral Sandpipers (you can also see a Baird’s Sandpiper in the background) which was a new species for me. Worth the trip. There are also good amounts of Monarch butterflies migrating through, especially in the meadow to the rear of the first and second day areas. K.L. Anderson


  • September 20, 2014 – Fall has arrived and most of my native wildflowers are setting seed, which provides lots of food for birds. There are tall stands of Anise Hyssop, Purple Coneflower and Woodland Sunflower just outside my windows, where there are dozens of American Goldfinches feeding, some with newly fledged nestlings, all a-quiver, begging for food. Most of the males have lost their brilliant yellow, so they all look very similar in their fall and winter, off season colours. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • September 1, 2014 – On Labour Day morning my wife and I were biking on the VRTC between Northline Road and Fenelon Falls. We were cycling towards Fenelon Falls when we had to stop as there was a female moose stopped right in the middle of the trail. Another group of hikers/cyclists had stopped ahead of us and told us it was best to move back and find a side road from the path where we could move away from the path. Once we moved out of the way the moose felt comfortable enough to continue on her way, without feeling threatened by us. I am certainly no expert, but I am sure this was not a full grown adult female. Having said that it was still a very impressive and majestic looking animal, they are indeed incredible animals……my guess is that it stood between 6+ feet tall. D.G. – Four Mile Lake. Dave Gatti
  • August 22, 2014 – There were two monarch butterflies at my place today, the first ones I have seen this year. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • August 21 2014 – So with the Merlin family finally departing for parts unknown birds have started coming back to our yard. This morning had a Black and White Warbler, pair of Northern Flickers, Downey Woodpecker, two immature Cardinals and this “bald” Blue Jay. Late every August we have Blue Jays with no apparent crest at our feeder. I am unsure as to whether it is an immature Blue Jay or an abnormality. Have actually posted image on The Weather Network to see what comments I may receive. Raining here so not a great image. Adelaide St. North/Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • August 10, 2014 – Found this tree full of Turkey Vultures on Aug 8 2014 on Riverside Drive in Bobcaygeon right around the 260’s house numbers. The image is not great because I took it after 8:00 p.m. Not sure if they roost here every night or not. K.L. Anderson


  • August 2, 2014 – There is a family of 5 Merlins hanging out on Colborne St. W., Lindsay between Adelaide St. N., and Albert St. N. in a large pine tree on East side of Colborne St. W. They all group together at the very top where there are dead branches and are quite visible to the eye and with their shrieking to the ears. We knew that we had hawks nesting somewhere, but was only recently that we discovered the Merlins. K.L. Anderson


  • July 29, 2014 – For a great pic of the hognose snake which has taken up residence at the Ridgway place.


  • July 28, 2014 – This is dad running around Sauble Beach while mom is sitting on the nest. It is the first time I have seen a piping plover. Eric Davis, Woodville


  • July 28, 2014 – Have a look at the bear that has been visiting the Ridgway place this year; the one that trashed the birdfeeders!


  • July 14, 2014 – I spent time in Carden today and was overwhelmed by all the juvenile birds of different species that are present. Indeed, it is a worthwhile challenge if you want to sharpen your skills at identifying young birds. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 29, 2015 – Had a visit from a black bear Sunday June 29th at 10:30 am. Crossed the street and walked down beside my house. Hung around for about 20 minutes before heading back into the bush. We live on Cedartee Lane in Bobcaygeon. Graham McEachran
  • June 15, 2014 – Black bear at my birdfeeder. I’d been suspicious of what was taking my bird feeder off of my birch tree. Thought it was raccoons so last night at 12 midnight I heard a clang! Jumped out of bed – camera in hand – and it was no raccoon! OMG it was standing up pulling at my bird feeder and broke it apart (3 tuber) and even when I turned on the light it didn’t run away! Had his dinner and went in his way. He sure scratched up the birch tree though! Naturally the pics show nothing, it was black, the night was black, shadows, so I was disappointed that the photo didn’t show up. This is on a property on Little Silver Lake near Bobcaygeon. Craziness! 2 weeks ago we stopped for a huge cow and yearling moose as well – so much nature this year! I’d rather animals than the tornado we had last year though! Lidy Fraser
  • June 14, 2014 – A magnificent Hognose snake, about 2ft. long, was in the process of digesting a recent meal in our barn doorway and didn’t take kindly to being disturbed. It put up a great threat display accompanied by a great deal of hissing and occasional lunges towards us. Martin & Jan Ridgway
  • June 4, 2014 – Interesting sighting at sunset last evening, a flock of five white pelicans flying over the south end of Cameron lake. Not sure how often these birds have been spotted in this area as their breeding areas are west and north of here(Lake of the Woods, Kenora District). Sorry, unable to get a picture. The pouch, which was quite noticeable in flight has a capacity of 11 litres of water ( breeding bird atlas 2005). Vic Orr
  • June 2, 2014 – We were sure we had seen our first Monarch butterfly on Tuesday 27th May, then saw two more as confirmation the following day. Ginny’s team found one on Saturday 30th May during “The Carden Challenge”. On Sunday 1st June we watched a painted turtle climb out of the pond and lay her eggs on the bank and half an hour later a Blanding’s turtle came from the direction of Perch Creek towards the pond, the first we have seen this year. Jan and Martin Ridgway, Bexley

          Painted Turtle

Blanding Turtle

  • May 29, 2014 – On Wednesday 21st May Ginny, Martin and I heard a Black Billed Cuckoo and yesterday, Wednesday 28th May we heard a Yellow Billed Cuckoo. There have been a pair of Indigo Buntings round the feeders for the last week, Catbirds are nesting in the bushes by the pond, the Ovenbird has set up residence in the wood and we have lots of Thrashers this year. Barn swallows are making getting the tractor and garden tools out of the barn pretty tricky as they swoop in and out. Most of our nest boxes are occupied by Tree Swallows and they are sitting on eggs right now but one box has a brood of Four Bluebird nestlings. A Milk snake was basking in the early morning sunshine yesterday, we have lots of Garter Snakes and a Water Snake by the pond…a Hare has just hopped by the window as I write this. Martin got an excellent view of a Connecticut Warbler on Tuesday 27th May and we also saw a Chestnut sided Warbler and a Yellow Warbler. The Groundhogs are busy fattening up and building dens. We have had the loan of a sound monitor which is programmed to come on 1/2 hr in the morning, evening and during the night. There are the usual sounds you would expect – Spring Peepers, American Toads, Green Frogs, Winter Wren, Oven bird, Ruffed Grouse drumming and a Barred Owl to name but a few, but at 3.20 am on Wednesday 21st May we had a Moose calling in the wood. Each morning there are a pair of Common Mergansers on the pond, they stay till around 7.00 am and then fly away. This has been happening for the last week. Pretty quiet then round Doyle Road! Jan Ridgway, Bexley.
  • May 26, 2014 – This morning at the Lindsay Sewage Ponds there were some lingering waterfowl including Bufflehead (2), Lesser Scaup ( 12), Redhead (2), American Widgeon (4), Wood duck (2). There were also 6 Ruddy Ducks. Marsh Wrens were in the reeds in the north pond. 2 Northern Rough –winged Swallows were flying about which is the first time I have seen them there. Several Black Terns were a welcome sight. By far the greatest spectacle was in the south west cell where over 200 Dunlin with their black underparts showing prominently, afforded very close looks as they busily foraged on 3 small spits of land close to the edge of the pond. Among them were 2 Spotted Sandpipers with tails wagging away and one Baird’s Sandpiper. Reminder that if you go, to sign in and sign out as a guest at the main building and to check gate closing times. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • May 11, 2014 – In one glance out my kitchen window this morning, May 9th, there were 4 male grosbeaks, 1 male oriole, and a pair of hummingbirds, as well as 5 white-crowned sparrows who have been here for awhile. The hummingbirds arrived May 8, and the oriole arrived today. A lone grosbeak was here on the 4th. The swallows and bluebirds are nesting, as well as the cardinals, the meadowlark is singing, the brown thrasher isn’t singing as much but I see him flitting about. Still waiting to hear the wood thrush and the black-billed cuckoo, then all our familiar friends will be back “home on the farm”! Lizz and Bill Hoyle, Elm Tree Rd. north of Cty. Rd. 8
  • May 9, 2014 – Recent Sightings for Bobcaygeon. 3 Chimney Swifts heard and sighted over Bobcaygeon on the evening of May 8. At Wilderness Park on May 09th I found Ovenbird, Baltimore Oriole, Black-throated Green and Chestnut-sided warbler. At my feeders at noon on May 09th while admiring the recently –arrived flock of White-crowned sparrows, I was invaded by 3 male and 2 female Rose-breasted Grosbeak..most I have had here at one time. John Bick
  • May 7, 2014 – Cliff Swallows (4) arrived on May 2 and are renovating their mud-cave nests under the eave of our old blacksmith shop. Nice to see the Chipping Sparrows back, replacing the American Tree Sparrows. Dan Bone, north of Fenelon Falls
  • May 5, 2014 – On 5 May a pair of Barn Swallows arrived at my hay barn. I also saw an Upland Sandpiper. Arthur from Argyle
  • May 5, 2014 – A pair of rose-breasted grosbeaks were taking advantage of my feeder today, first ones of the season. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • May 4, 2014 – I saw a black bear run across the back field last week. So cool! I’ve never seen one here before. I spoke with some boys who hunt turkeys down there and they have seen it a few times. Jaen
  • May 1, 2014 – This Wilson’s Snipe visited our feeder before heading off to the pond. Martin and Jan Ridgway.


  • April 27, 2014 – We were at the far end of our property, a long way from the house, checking the bird boxes when we saw a bear about 25 yds away. It was looking at us, looking at it! After a few heart stopping moments it ambled off and we carried on checking the boxes. Out of eleven, most have bits of grass or the beginnings of a Bluebird or Tree Swallow nest. There was also a Green Heron by the pond and a Meadowlark in the field. Jan and Martin Ridgway, Bexley.
  • April 27, 2014 – The green herons are back in my area! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 25, 2014 – This Milk Snake had made itself at home in our lounge and was not too happy about being evicted! Martin and Jan Rigway


  • April 25, 2014 – On Walmart Flats two weeks ago (April 8th), we spotted a pair of Great Black Backed Gulls (black backs, yellow bill with red spot near tip, pink legs) then again yesterday April 25, 2014 Lloyd & Maureen McEwan
  • April 24, 2014 – In a field on Prospect road just south of the Argyle Road I saw wood duck, green-winged teal, lots of greater yellowlegs, killdeer, and brown-thrasher, yellow-rumped warbler and a lot of goldfinches along the road in the same area. A swamp sparrow was singing away heartily at the intersection of Elm Tree road and Fish Hawk road. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 22, 2014 – On 21 April early in the evening two pairs of green winged teals landed in White’s Creek in front of my house. They frightened an american bittern. Arthur from Argyle
  • April 21, 2014 – Last Thursday, April 17, we spotted a Great White Egret, fishing in a pond at the east side of County Road 21, a few kms south of the Haliburton Road. Yesterday, April 20th, the Purple Martins and the Tree Swallows arrived. We quickly cleaned out our Martin Hotel, hoping that there will be an overpopulation this year and, therefore “no room at the Inns” on my beachfront neighbour’s waterfront. Last year, one or two females came over to investigate, but were driven off by two pairs of Tree Swallows that had staked their claim to two of the apartments. While working in the yard, I heard the calls of Eastern Phoebe and Flickers, and this morning, I spotted a White Throated Sparrow hopping through my front garden. Judy Kennedy & Robbie Preston, Southview Estates, Cameron ON.
  • April 21, 2014 – I found my first Pine Warbler of the season along with a Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Bobcaygeon’s new Wilderness Park off Hwy. 36 on the outskirts of the village. John Bick
  • April 20, 2014 – Our first pair of Tree Swallows arrived today and were checking out a nest box, Yellow bellied Sapsuckers are competing with us to get sap from the maple trees. We also saw our first Mourning Cloak butterfly and a couple of Leopard frogs. Jan Ridgway, Bexley.
  • April 20, 2014 – Two chipping sparrows and a pine warbler seen just in from the shore of Silver Lake, (first lake north of Coboconk), and later a yellow-rumped warbler, all on April 19. Also both kinglets. Four pied-bill grebes on April 18, along with buffleheads, common and hooded mergansers. Anna Lambe and Jane Abray
  • April 20, 2014 – Randy Beacler and John Bick did an owl survey during the night of April 20th along the back roads of former Somerville Township . They heard but did not see a Great Horned Owl and 9 Barred Owls throughout the evening. They managed to see one Barred Owl at the last stop during the midnight hour. At the beginning of their prowl at twilight time they heard a Winter Wren, Wilson’s Snipe, and saw and heard more than one American Woodcock on where else…Woodcock Lane . They also witnessed the flyby of a pair of Sandhill Cranes.
  • April 18, 2014 – Hello: I spotted two Sand Hill cranes in a field, just a few hundred yards north of the spot marked on the map – Boundary Rd., east side of Pigeon Lake, north of Yankee Line. I managed to get a couple of pictures but by the time I snapped them the cranes were half way across the field. I wasn’t sure that they were sand hill cranes but when I got home I checked out pictures on the internet & determined they were in fact these cranes. I had never seen live ones before – just pictures – so I was very excited! Sandra Lovely


  • April 18, 2014 – A pine warbler and chipping sparrow made their appearance today at my feeder. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 14, 2014 – I saw these guys at the end of Water street in Lindsay this morning. Nick Legate


  • April 14, 2014 – In the last couple of days , I have had sightings of many water birds in the open eastern part of Sturgeon Lake including Ring-necked ducks, Redheads, Pied-billed Grebes (2), Double-crested Cormorants (22) and a pair of Common Loon. In a cornfield pond at the corner of Oliver’s Road and Anderson Line are several pairs of Woodducks and one male Northern Pintail. On my farm, 2 Sandhill Cranes made a flyby and in my yard today, the first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker of the season appeared.. This afternoon several Tree Swallows had arrived in Bobcaygeon. And the chorus frogs have started to sing. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • April 12, 2014 – Fox sparrows at 177 Anderson Line and Wood Ducks in the cornfield ponds at the corner of Oliver’s Roads and Anderson Line, north of Bobcaygeon. One male Northern Harrier in the same vicinity. John Bick
  • April 9, 2014 – The first snake of the season showed up at my place, a lovely garter snake sunning itself. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 9, 2014 – Saw a pair of Eastern Bluebirds and several Phoebes while walking along Doyle Road. Martin & Jan Ridgway
  • April 8, 2014 – In the last week we have seen a wonderful variety of birds. Sandhill cranes are flying around above Doyle Rd and we have seen 9 all together including two down by the Talbot River. Thursday 3rd April – we watched a Red tailed Hawk and two American kestrels hunting over the fields. Great Blue Herons have taken up their favorite spots by the swollen waterways again and there were several Ruffed Grouse feeding on the new buds high up in the Silver Birches while groups of Wild Turkeys were sabotaging the bird feeders. Monday 7th April – we woke to find a newly emerged Groundhog sunning itself on the veranda. There was a pair of Hooded Mergansers on Perch Creek and several more on Talbot River. A pair of Wood Ducks and some Common Goldeneye on open water at Dalrymple with an Osprey and two Belted Kingfishers overlooking the lake Our best sighting of the day was a perfect view of a Loggerhead shrike along McNamee road. One could be forgiven for thinking Spring was here at last! Jan Ridgway


  • April 7, 2014 – Yesterday I drove over to Centennial Park and at the one lane bridge I saw eight blue herons by the open water of the canal route. On the way home, going south on Prospect Rd just past the nature preserve I encountered another flock on blue herons, some eight or nine. Arthur Gladstone (Argyle way).
  • April 6, 2014 – Our daughter sent these pictures (taken February 14 this year) of the Great Grey Owl on the side of Baseline Road, Coboconk, near her home. She watched it fly over and land and on a perch but no amount of ‘racket’ would make it fly again, but she managed several still shots. Maureen & Lloyd McEwan


  • April 6, 2014 – One evening about 9pm, there, on our driveway, was an Opossum! He was cuddled up on an old cushion bed left for a big furry feral cat that comes & goes. We found the disgruntled cat under a juniper bush nearby! Also around the house Chickadees & Cardinals, Mourning Doves & Cedar Waxwings. Ring Billed Gulls have arrived at the Target parking lot. Groups of Horned Larks pecking along the road sides on Monarch Road. Turkey Vultures and a Northern Harrier at the Lagoons with gulls & geese, and Blue Winged Teals passing by. Maureen & Lloyd McEwan


  • April 6, 2014 – A large flock of RING-NECKED DUCKS was present today in the Big Bob River above the dam in Bobcaygeon. EASTERN MEADOWLARKS and SONG SPARROWS are returning to the area as well. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • April 1, 2014 – Martin, Ginny and I took a stroll down Doyle Road on Tuesday 1st April. Feeding on the verge was a Woodcock. Every now and again, although he was on his own, he would stop what he was doing and bob up and down fanning his tail. Presumably he was practicing his display techniques for the ladies. As Martin and I walked down later at twilight he was still there. Following the sightings of a Turkey vulture and a single Sandhill Crane overhead the previous day, Martin saw six Sandhill Cranes fly over together in the morning. Spring must have arrived! Jan and Martin Ridgway
  • March 29, 2014 – SE in the Kawarthas, lies Cordova Lake. We spotted thorough our cottage window a solitary Pileated woodpecker in deciduous hardwood forest on edge of the lake. To far to identify male or female but the red crest and overall size is unmistakable. Marc Mittleman
  • March 27, 2014 – My friend and I got really good views of a Red-shouldered hawk today southwest of Bobcaygeon on Hwy 36. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 26, 2014 – another sign of spring: a turkey vulture, south side of Hwy 8 between Bulmer’s Rd and Patterson Rd, afternoon of March 26. Anna Lambe and Jane Abray.
  • March 22, 2014 – Robins arrived in Fenelon last Wednesday. Diane and I counted a flock of 8 or 9 birds. We saw them at the beach (where else) feeding on highbush cranberries. The red wing blackbirds arrived at Ken Reid park yesterday I counted a small flock of 7 birds, most were adult males. Wayne Jolly
  • March 21, 2014 – On 21 March at 12:35 pm I saw a single sandhill crane flying north across Prospect Rd. It croaked as it flapped its long blacked tipped wings. Arthur Gladstone (Argyle way).
  • March 21, 2014 – About 10am today, March 21, 2014, we saw our first group of redwing blackbirds on Monarch Road and a lone male Redwing heralding in Spring in the reeds at Elm Tree Road & Peniel Road. Lloyd & Maureen McEwan
  • March 20, 2014 – On March 20 twelve red winged black birds arrived at my feeder. I had heard them in the cedar trees on March 17/18. The first robin arrived today. Three Canada Geese flew over as well. I live a mile north of Glenarm on Prospect Rd. Arthur Gladstone, Argyle.
  • March 19, 2014 – There was a ground hog on the road, on the street into Bobcaygeon this morning. Sadly, it had been hit and killed, but a sure sign of spring. Judy Kennedy.
  • March 19, 2014 – We have a dozen or so Robins, feeding off the tiny fruit on our flowering crab tree today. The Starlings, Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings have been dropping a lot of the apple on the snow, so the Robins are feasting on them, down on the snow. We also have two Red winged blackbirds and a Common Grackle coming to our feeders today. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron, ON
  • March 15, 2014 – Since early January, we have had a male Robin feeding on the fruit on our flowering crab tree. Today, a female Robin joined him, as well as a dozen or so Starlings and a flock of about 100 Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings. Surely, Spring is not too far away now. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • March 14, 2014 – The Eastern Screech Owl paid me a visit today and was hanging out in a bird box designed exactly for that. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 5, 2014 – In mid February, I saw a flock of robins at the foot of Bond Street at Cameron Lake, in Fenelon Falls. There were about eighteen I would estimate. Near the rail trail and lake, a spring enters the lake exposing seeping water and bare earth. The birds were very active and a little aloof. I had our dog along. On March 3 in late afternoon, Agnes and I saw a large “chunky” hawk roosting above the Lindsay bypass in a maple tree. We drove back thinking it was an owl but it seemed to be a hawk. It’s body was perhaps 16” long and was slate gray. It had a rufous patch on the shoulder. I wondered if it was a Red-Shouldered Hawk but it did not display the multi-coloured feathers seen in the Peterson guide. When in flight it glided over the fields not far above the ground. Brian and Agnes Markle
  • March 5, 2014 – The resident cardinal started singing today, I wonder if he knows something that I am not aware of yet – is spring somewhere around here? Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 22, 2014 – This is a photo of a snowy owl that has been sitting in a tree across from the Airport Restaurant on Hwy 35 near Lindsay this week. I have taken a number of photos over the week but this time, she let me get within about 20 feet of the tree without flying away. She actually looked quite disinterested in me! Here is a picture of the male. Maureen Raby


  • February 21, 2014 -The Red-necked Grebe rescued on Feb 18 was released 9:30 am Wednesday, Feb 19 at Rosedale after a breakfast of minnows. New information leads us to believe that the “fall-out” is as much migration-related as ice-related as much of Lake Ontario is ice free. Peter Lindsay of Rocky Mountain Farm rescued the bird, took the photos and released it. Dan Bone


  • February 19, 2014 – I found more (and different) information on the internet about stranded grebes.Dan Bone “It is possible that the grebes are not so much frozen out of the Great Lakes but are spring migrants. Over the past 50+ years at Hamilton there have been numerous instances of RNGR turning up during the second half of February in small numbers on L. Ontario or Hamilton Harbour. Usually, these arrivals coincide with a push of warm air. Bob Currie, 2003”
  • February 19, 2014 – In the evening on Wednesday February 19th 2014 spotted a snowy owl on County road 30 between County Road 8 and Crane Bay Road in Fenelon Falls. On Thursday evening February 20th, 2014 across from the Lindsay airport I spotted another snowy owl. Brian Carpenter, Fenelon Falls
  • February 18, 2014 – A Red-necked Grebe was found Tuesday, February 18, 2014 floundering in a horse pasture north of Fenelon Falls. Grebes cannot take off from land. As the open water on the Great Lakes freezes, grebes and other water birds try to find open water and, lately, have been landing in places where they become stranded. The people who rescued this bird are feeding it minnows and plan to release it in open water near Bobcaygeon. Keep an eye out for these vulnerable birds. Dan Bone


  • February 17, 2014 – Had a small flock of Cedar Waxwings in our backyard early this afternoon. A bit later on a Cooper’s Hawk was in a Black Walnut just over our bird feeders. We’ve had a pair of Cooper’s Hawks the past two years nesting close to our home, so are pretty excited to see him back. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson.
  • February 16, 2014 – There has been a Red-necked Grebe around the dam in Coboconk. We had good views Saturday around 5 pm, from the north side of the bridge, when the grebe was just below the dam, and better ones this morning, Feb 16, just after 9 am, from the south side of the bridge, when the bird was downstream, in the small amount of open water. We also had a bald eagle fly over this morning while we were watching the grebe. Probably a black duck in among the mallards as well; also saw red-breasted mergansers and a common golden-eye. Anna Lambe and Jane Abray, Coboconk


  • February 13, 2014 – I took a few shots of a snowy owl (?female). She was in a tree across from the Lindsay airport around 3pm – Catherine Mills.


  • February 13, 2014 – We have a lone Snow Bunting living in our yard. He stays on top of a chicken coop and I can get within 4 feet of him before he flies away. Wendy Jaen, Lindsay


  • Feb 12, 2014 – Saw a Barred Owl sitting in a tree right at Central Senior School in Lindsay on my way to work this morning. Luckily was able to get a few images before someone came out of building and startled it. It flew away with quite a few Crows chasing it. Karen L. Anderson


  • February 10, 2014 – I took this picture from behind my curtain this morning. In my bird book it seems to be a cooper hawk. Sandra McDougall, Bobcaygeon, Ont.


  • February 7, 2014 – Snowy Owl perched on top of tree right at Slanted Road and Hwy 7 just outside of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • February 6, 2014 – Female Slate-colored Junco at our feeder. I had never seen one before and apparently only the males usually migrate up this far north. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. area of Lindsay. Karen L. Anderson


  • February 3, 2014 – Last week we observed a pair of Long Tailed Ducks (formerly called Old Squaws) in the canal leading from Cameron Lake to the locks in Fenelon Falls. Ruth and Vic Orr
  • February 1, 2014 – After a week long absence the Red-tailed Hawk is back and today we had two hawks perched together on a large Black Walnut. By the time I ran in to grab my camera, crows had chased one away. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region of Lindsay. K.L. Anderson
  • January 23, 2014 – we had another sighting today of the snowy owl just north of Little Britain Rd on Opmar Road. It was sitting atop of the same hydro pole as it was last week. Coming home from our trip into Lindsay it was atop a tree back from Little Britain Road in the same area. And we had the camera this time! Cheryl-Anne Graham


  • Janurary 21, 2014 – Had a pair of Ravens I believe in my side yard. The croaking call is quite unique. Thought I had heard one a few weeks ago in same area. Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region in Lindsay. K.L. Anderson
  • January 18, 2014 – Along Nichols Cove Road just off of #36 we also saw the bald eagle. We spotted him 3 times within a few hours. We saw him on Friday January 18. We couldn’t believe we saw one here so googled it and found this sight. Glad to read someone else saw him too! Dyane Taylor
  • January 17, 2014 – Not sure what type of hawk this is, but he is quite large and healthy looking. I want to say a red-tailed hawk but I’m new at this birding game. Anyway, whatever he is, he was perched for some time in the north east field of the Provincial courthouse on Kent Street in Lindsay, Friday January 17, 2014 (a.m.). Thought I would share….Robyn Blois


  • January 16, 2014 – Still see the Red-tailed Hawk daily in the Adelaide St. N. and Colborne St. W. region of Lindsay.. K.L. Anderson
  • January 13, 2014 – Monday am on our way out of Catalina bay Rd. On Hwy 36 in Buckhorn, we spotted a bald eagle circling the sky quite low. I was so excited, I grabbed a camera out of the back seat and forgot to zoom in. Didn’t get a very good image before he flew away! This is the second sighting report that I have submitted. This time my husband was the first one to see it. Has anyone else seen it? I don’t take any of this for granted. These are gifts to us since we moved here! H. Geimer
  • January 13, 2014 – Snowy Owl sitting on a fence post in a field just before 833 Pigeon Lake Road , Lindsay. K.L. Anderson.
  • January 10, 2014 – Found another Snowy Owl today at the top of a large tree at the intersection of Weldon Road and Pigeon Lake Road. Derek Anderson
  • January 9, 2014 – We’ve had had a Pileated Woodpecker hanging around our house since yesterday and it didn’t take the Crows long to discover the Red-tailed Hawk surveying our bird feeder this morning. Also had one Robin in the yard. Adelaide St. North area in Lindsay. K.L. Anderson

Pileated Woodpecker

Redtailed Hawk

  • January 8, 2014 – A snowy owl hit our window last night (just north of Lakefield). It was probably after a rodent eating seeds from our feeders. The owl shook its head a couple of times and then flew off. Yvonne (Peeples) Mark
  • January 8, 2014 – Not a great quality picture, as it was taken with my camera phone; but this snowy owl was perched on the corner of Little Britain and Elm Tree Roads for some time around 1600 hrs, January 8th, 2014. Robyn Blois


  • January 7, 2014 – We had a little Tree Sparrow feeding off of our suet all day today however he’d better watch out for the Red-tailed Hawk who has been hanging around our yard this past week. Adelaide St. North area in Lindsay. K.L. Anderson
  • January 7, 2014 – A house finch finally showed up at the feeder today. Still have not seen purple finch, redpoll, pine siskin or evening grosbeaks yet this winter season. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 3, 2014 – Four deer showed up in my back yard today, including a buck with a full rack, and a young male. Eric Davis, Woodville

          Adult Male Deer

Young Male Deer

  • January 3, 2014 – Saw a Snowy Owl on Hwy 35 north of Thunderbridge Road today. Have a look at a couple of pictures. Derek Anderson


  • December 29, 2013 – As we drove north on Hwy 35 just past Thunderbridge Road, Lloyd spotted our first Lindsay Snowy Owl this year sitting in the snow in a field on the west side of the road. It didn’t seem to mind the traffic and sat quietly as we stopped, turned around, and took pictures. Maureen McEwen, Lindsay
  • December 17, 2013 – Saw a Snowy Owl trying to land on the top of a tree in Downeyville Road Tuesday Dec 17. Also saw about 20 Snow Buntings on Peace Road at Downeyville Road. Derek Anderson CD
  • December 16, 2013 – We had good views of a snowy owl just after noon on December 16, on a hydro pole on the east side of Simcoe Street, just south of the Woodville Road. It was surveying the cleared fields and indifferent to passing traffic. Eventually it flew across the field to settle again on a pole on the Woodville Rd, just east of Simcoe Street. We had our eyes open because of Eric’s posting, and got lucky. Thanks, Eric! Here at Coboconk, a golden-crowned kinglet has visited dogwoods near our feeders in late November and again in early December; it seems to be coming in with the goldfinches. In late November, we also had a goshawk watching the feeders; it left without finding a meal. Anna Lambe and Jane Abray
  • December 10, 2013 – There were two large flocks of snow buntings this morning on the Oakwood Raod. I also saw a Snowy owl sitting on a fence post on the Oakwood Road, it took off and flew in a southerly direction. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • December 5, 2013 – A northern shrike landed on my Norway maple tree in front of the window. Nice view without the binos. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • September 22, 2013 – Another lifer for Lloyd & me – watching Green Herons at Peniel & Elm Tree Road. At least one pair and a juvenile which landed in the reeds within feet of the road and sat looking at me while I fumbled with my camera and missed the shot! Arghh! Have some video clips though. No sign of them today Sunday September 22’13. There are at least a dozen Blue Winged Teal in the same location, both sides of the bridge. Maureen McEwan.
  • July 28, 2013 – Hello, Frank MacDonald of Shirley Road, Blackstock, saw a black bear on the morning of July 24th. It was sighted just north of Byers Road one concession east from Russell Road, which is near Shirley Road. Jacquie Visconti, [email protected]
  • July 25, 2013 – We had 2 juvenile Coopers Hawks in our front yard yesterday. Derek Anderson – Lindsay
  • July 13, 2013 – Hello, I saw two sandhill cranes flying north just west of Cambray at 9:30 this morning. Kevin White, Lindsay ON
  • June 27, 2013 – Today I got to see an adult and juvenile Blanding’s turtle basking together. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 27, 2013 – While pruning shrubbery at the Bobcaygeon Service Centre this morning I heard and then saw 4 Chimney Swifts overhead. I hope that they are using the KFN Tower stationed there but I have never seen them enter it, inspite of spending a few evenings watching for them. We have a very vocal BB Cuckoo on our Anderson Road Side Road this month. It was even calling at 11p.m. while I was out listening for Whipoorwills.. to no avail. Had a pair of G. Catbirds bathing in our bird bath today. They are often too shy to spend much time exposed, but I guess the high temps have got them looking for a cooling station too. John Bick, Bobcaygeon.
  • June 25, 2013 – Yesterday evening Martin and I heard, and then saw, a Black- Billed Cuckoo. It spent about ten minutes in the trees round our pond. We also had a Blanding’s turtle come into the pond from Perch Creek. Jan Ridgway, Bexley.
  • June 24, 2013 – Two sandhill cranes flew over Prospect Marsh this evening. In addtition, a moorhen and virginial rail were both quite visible for reasonably lengthy periods of time. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • June 23, 2013 – At about 10 PM last evening, we were just turning into our street, when a cute little fox kit scampered across the street in front of us. A couple of weeks ago, there were two kits in the same location, so they must have a den out behind the barn on the farm property at the corner of our street. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • June 15, 2013 – I was up at the cottage on Friday June 14th to cut the grass etc… Lately we’ve been finding a lot of half eaten fish on the lawn near the water’s edge. As I was walking towards the lake I saw a large eagle flying across the water close to the shoreline. It had a feathered white head dark body and a fair size but more surprising was that it was soaring with at least a one to two pound fish in it’s talons. First eagle even seen at our cottage and we’ve owned it since 1964! Viviane
  • June 8, 2013 – Wylie Road, Carden. This morning, Brian and I saw a cow moose and two calves in the field directly across the road from Ron Reid’s cabin. They were standing at the fence line by the water trough. Calves looked to be about two months old. They were visible for about ten minutes. Mother and calves moved off in an easterly direction and disappeared into the treed area. What a nice surprise! Brian and Joyce Robinson – Woodville
  • May 31, 2013 – Saw the first fireflies of the season last night. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • May 22, 2013 – May 21 I saw a female red-breasted merganser in my yard, then this morning a male. Shelley McPherson, Fenelon Falls
  • May 20, 2013 – Today at Carden notable birds included the Sandhill Crane, Common Nighthawk and several Golden-winged Warblers. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • May 3, 2013 – An exciting week – There are amorous Painted Turtles in the pond and Snapping Turtles coming out of the swamp. We have nesting Bluebirds and Tree Swallows, a pair of Phoebe have started building a nest under the veranda and there are Eastern Meadow Larks in the field, Barn Swallows (round the barn) and a Rose breasted Grosbeak at the feeders. A couple of Garter snakes have been sunbathing. There have been signs and sightings nearby of a bull Moose but this morning we saw a cow Moose with a yearling cross the field. A wonderful sight! Jan Ridgway, Bexley.
  • May 3, 2013 – Last night a pair of Trumpeter Swans swam by as I was watching the sunset on my dock. They had wing tags, but I was unable to read the numbers, too busy trying to keep the dogs quiet! Christine Larocque, Sturgeon Lake
  • May 1, 2013 -Birded the Lindsay Sewage Lagoons this afternoon. Lots and lots of ducks. Green and blue-winged teal, American wigeon, mallard, Northern shoveler, lesser scaup, bufflehead, coot, pie-billed grebe, Canada geese, one great egret and a lifer for me – a sora. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • May 1, 2013 -What a treat! I just happened to stop at the locks in Fenelon Falls on Saturday afternoon (April 27) looking at the water roaring under the bridge…turned to watch down river when suddenly from out of the trees flew a mature bald eagle. Beautiful! Pauline Groen
  • May 1, 2013 – A lifer for Lloyd and me, a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron, flew onto the Scugog river bank at the end of Mary Street East and Wolfe Street about 5pm yesterday. We spotted it again today a little further down the riverbank about the same time. FYI – Lloyd & I were pleased to read that Josh Logel, Lindsay had submitted the sightings he had told us about at the lagoons (see April 17, 2013) – we were the ones he referred to as ‘the nice couple that introduced me to this website and thank them for telling me about it’. Josh is a very pleasant, polite, College student and keen birder. He would be an asset to the Club – it was a pleasure meeting him. Lloyd & Maureen McEwan


  • April 30, 2013 – The green-backed herons returned to my area today. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 26, 2013 – There was a great egret this afternoon in the standing water at the NE corner of Hwy 35 and Colborne Street, Lindsay. We’ve had yellow-rumped warblers here at Coboconk, along with purple finches at the feeders. Jane Abray
  • April 25, 2013 – Today, I saw an orange-crowned warbler flitting in the small trees at the junction of Elm Tree Road and Fishhawk Road. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 24, 2013 – Spring has arrived, and with it, the Tree Swallows. Two pair were investigating my Martin Hotel at the back of my yard the other day. Can’t say for sure, but I think the Purple Martins may have returned to my neighbour’s two big hotels, close to the waterfront on Sturgeon Lake. Yesterday, I spotted an American Kestrel and a Brown Thrasher in the field on the east side of Longbeach Road and Anderson Drive. Judy Kennedy, Cameron.
  • April 17, 2013 – Observed plenty of buffleheads, greater scaup and goldeneyes at Sewage Lagoons today. Also recorded a pair of wood ducks and one drake wood duck on his lonesome. Plenty of green winged teals in the back left pond, as well as a pair of black ducks. While I was back there, I was spooked by a gobbler. I met a nice couple that introduced me to this website and thank them for telling me about it. — Josh Logel, Lindsay
  • April 17, 2013 – I saw a great egret today at the Lindsay sewage lagoons. It was at the northernmost lagoon, on the east side. This is a very small pond, rarely visited, because few know it is there. Tim Brophy, Lindsay
  • April 17, 2013 – Today at my place a pine warbler, white-throated sparrow and two yellow-bellied sapsuckers showed up. In the marsh near me, the first chorus frog of the season started singing. And the first colt’s foot appeared. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 16, 2013 – During an evening drive along Wylie Road at the Carden Alvar, we saw a pair of Eastern Bluebirds, an American Kestrel, a Wilson’s Snipe and three wolf-whistling Upland Sandpipers. No shrike. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • April 16, 2013 – It was an amazing site this morning at 8 am in my backyard, 12 Yellow-shafted Flickers. There were 6 pairs. I generally get a pair each year but don’t see them for another month. It was raining and certainly overcast so no great pictures. They were all running around trying to find food and then would start up their courtship dance and then go back to eating. The whole event lasted 15 minutes and now I have 2 pair left. In nature, and photography timing is everything. I am sure spring is right around the corner because I saw my first Mourning Cloak butterfly yesterday on Maple Grove Rd. off Cedar Glen off Cty Rd. 24. Get the nets ready Susan. Anne Irwin, Bobcaygeon
  • April 13, 2013 – Maybe at last spring is coming. Had these beauties here at Spruce Lane this morning. Photos by Anne Irwin, my neighbour and photographer friend. The first Fox Sparrow of the season arrived at our feeders on April 11. We also have a pair of White-winged Crossbills (female or immature) coming to our feeders regularly this week. Counted 13 Song Sparrows on the ground today after the ice storm. Cheers, John Bick, Bobcaygeon.


  • April 12, 2013 – In between howling gusts of wind this morning I heard the male cardinal bravely singing away! In the afternoon the first fox sparrow landed on the frozen ground at my feeder. He had a very bewildered look on his face, I might add! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 11, 2013 – We saw our first loon April 10 on Silver Lake, the first lake north of the Coboconk on the Gull River; a few days earlier, saw a river otter fishing where the remaining ice meets the open water. We still have a large flock of redpolls (100?) — and a sharp-shinned hawk visiting them regularly. An osprey is back on the nest on Hwy 35, coming into town, just opposite the old lime kilns. Jane Abray and Anna Lambe
  • April 10, 2013 – This afternoon, we watched what was almost certainly a Mink scamper across the Mt. Pleasant road cutting through the Cavan wetland about a kilometer East of Mt. pleasant itself. P. Halasz, Omemee
  • April 9, 2013 – Two freshly arrived snipe appeared today flying over the marsh near my place. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 8, 2013 – A horned grebe was seen today, on Tower Rd approx. 1/2 km east of Hwy 35. It was in a pond on the north side of the road. Tim Brophy, Lindsay
  • April 7, 2013 – Today for the first time this year we saw the phoebe, kildeer and osprey back in our region. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 6, 2013 – I observed my first meadowlark of the spring flying at Hwy 121 and Poulsom Rd. Thursday April 4. Dan observed our first Mourning Cloak butterfly in our sugar bush the same day. Susan Blayney
  • April 5, 2013 – Finally, a male eastern bluebird arrived checking out the nesting boxes. Fairly late this year. When checking our diary the first sightings were on Mar 14 in 2012, Mar 30 in 2011 and Mar 29 in 2010. Bill & Lizz Hoyle on Elm Tree Rd near Glenarm
  • April 4, 2013 – First sighting of a Male Eastern Bluebird in my backyard on Irwins Road, Bobcaygon Ontario. He didn’t stay long but that has to be a sure sign of spring!! Better dust off the Bluebird Nestbox. Anne Irwin
  • April 2, 2013 – Had a male Northern harrier fly through my yard this afternoon trying to catch something at my feeders, unsuccessfully, although a dove died hitting the window in its panic. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • March 31, 2013 – In Fenelon Falls at the park today I witnessed the amazing mating display put on by the buffleheads. As well there were goldeneye, scaup, and ring-necked ducks among others. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 31, 2013 – The GB Herons are back at the heronry on Gilmour Road off Hwy 36 near Dunsford. Eastern Meadowlarks are on their territories along Anderson Line north of Bobcaygeon. Killdeer, Song Sparrows and American Kestrel are back at my place. On March 31, in Bobcaygeon there were 5 Ring-necked Ducks in the Big Bob River along with scores of Bufflehead, Common Merganser and Common Goldeneye. A House Finch was singing along Main Street, Bobcaygeon. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • March 31, 2013 – While enjoying our coffee this morning we saw 6 hooded mergansers (3 pair) on the Burnt River. We also saw a pair of wood ducks on the river yesterday. Glenn & Carolyn Thompson, Burnt River
  • March 31, 2013 – Two ‘possums in my drive shed last week. Jim Saigeon, Fenelon Falls
  • March 31, 2013 – I saw comet PanStarrs March 18th with the guidance of John Crossen (Buckhorn Observatory) via the internet. I saw it barely with the naked eye just above the western horizon and clearly through small binoculars. It has disappointed as it has been described by experts as having high potential to be bright. Agnes and I have seen our first American Robins. We have had waxwings, grackles, starlings, redpolls as well as buffleheads, geese, ducks down on the river. A large owl glided above me at dusk as I searched for the comet…soundless. Brian Markle
  • March 30, 2013 – Lots of early spring migrants seen today including turkey vulture, killdeer, horned lark, winter wren and wood duck. Last evening heard an American woodcock peenting in the field behind my house. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • March 30, 2013 – On my way down to Port Perry yesterday, I spotted a Great Blue Heron in it’s slow motion flight across the intersection of White Rock Road and Salem Road. Further along Salem, there was a large pond in the corner of a field, formed by the collection of melt water, where a collection of upwards to several hundred Canada Geese were preening and feeding. This morning, there was another Great Blue Heron fishing in the boggy tussocks of a field below the south west corner of Elm Tree and Penial Roads. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • March 29, 2013 – A blue heron, sandhill cranes, and killdeer were seen and heard here in the past couple of days – March 28th and 29th. Still no bluebirds! Lizz Hoyle Glenarm area
  • March 28, 2013 – We live in Cameron along the lake and today was the second day we have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers in our side yard. We did not see them last year, but saw one the 2 years prior. We do not have a wooded lot either. Shelly Hardaker
  • March 27, 2013 – This morning, there were four American Robins foraging for the remains of the little crab apples on our old tree. Yesterday, a Brown headed Cowbird arrived at the feeder, along with the usual assortment of Red Winged Black Birds, Grackles and Starlings. While checking my gardens for new signs of spring, I was delighted to discover a few snow drops and crocus about to bloom. Judy Kennedy, Cameron
  • March 25, 2013 – Nice to see the turkey vultures are back. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 24, 2013 – The first song sparrow of the season returned. Certainly a lot later than last year! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 22, 2013 – Only a very brief glimpse of the Great Grey Owl tonight, but we were rewarded by a Saw-whet owl hunting for about 20 minutes. Martin & Jan Ridgway
  • March 13, 2013 – We have just been watching a Great Grey Owl hunting at dusk (very successfully) from our barn roof. Too dark for photographs, but it came within 50 feet of our vantage point for a positive identification. Martin & Jan Ridgway, Bexley
  • March 12, 2013 – A male wood duck and a mallard were hanging out together near the bridge at the end of Elm Tree and Fish Hawk Roads. We also saw a mink on the roadside beside a wetland, and an otter on the ice near the ducks. Lizz Hoyle
  • March 11, 2013 – At my feeders today I had a male red-winged blackbird and two male cowbirds. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • March 10, 2013 – We saw our first Redwing Blackbird yesterday,10th March, and watched a Brown Creeper for a few minutes in the tree by the house. Jan Ridgway
  • March 10, 2013 – We saw a small flock of horned larks ( 8 or 10) on the side of the road not far from our house on Elm Tree Road, this morning. Fortunately our camera was in the car and we were able to get a decent pic when they finally landed on the road behind us again after being disturbed by our approach. They were doing just what the field guide said…searching for seeds along the shoulder of the road. It also said they were among the earliest arrivals in our province. This was a first for Bill and me. Lizz Hoyle


  • March 7, 2013 – Today marked the return of a flicker. It was doing its drumming routine. The cardinal started singing. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 3, 2013 – I walked Emily Tract today and saw one of the resident Northern Goshawks and a Northern Shrike. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • February 20, 2013 – The little red fox that has been visiting recently spent half an hour under the niger seed feeder on Saturday allowing us to get some nice pictures and study her closely. At the same time we had 47 wild turkeys milling around. There was a bit of stand off between them and the fox, but in the end the fox decided she was outnumbered and backed away. Jan Ridgway, Bexley.
  • February 16, 2013 – A gray-phase screech owl spent the afternoon today in the owl box in my back yard. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 13, 2013 – As it was getting light this morning we saw our third sighting this week of a Red Fox. Seen hunting on the slope up to the wood in the evenings on previous occasions, this time he was close to the house hunting voles under the snow. Martin Ridgway, Bexley
  • February 12, 2013 – A Pine Marten ran right by our door this morning, he disappeared under the veranda and unfortunately we didn’t see him again. It’s unusual to see one so near the house. The Northern Shrike also put in an appearance again round the feeders this afternoon. This can’t be good news for our flock of 40+ Redpolls. Jan Ridgway
  • February 9, 2013 – This past Saturday, on the way home from enjoying a perfect day for the Kawartha Heritage “Snow Days” celebration at South Pond Farm in Bethany, we decided to go cruising the side roads for Owls. Sure enough, we spotted a barred owl, sitting on a tree limb on the west side of Monarch Road, south of Thunderbridge Road. Just as we slowed to get a better look, it took flight and glided across the road in front of us, landing in a tree by the roadside. It stayed and posed for several good photos, before taking cover in the evergreens. Judy Kennedy and Robbie Preston
  • February 2, 2013 – The Oregon Junco who was around our feeders in early-mid December made a brief reappearance Feb 1. Once again, it was with a few dark-eyed juncos. It didn’t stay in view long enough for photographs this time; the here was taken in December 2012. Anna Lambe and Jane Abray, Coboconk


  • January 30, 2013 – Phil and I were driving south on Hwy 121 just south of Minden and north of Kinmount. A Hawk Owl was on a phone line and stayed there so we had good chance to make a good identification. It was for our life list. Barbara Puxley
  • January 25, 2013 – On January 25 at 10:45 A.M. a Red-bellied Woodpecker landed at my feeder and I photographed him. I would like to know if this bird has been seen at other feeders. Barb Puxley, 705-738-6271. Email: [email protected]
  • January 24, 2013 – There are 3 Bald eagles, one mature and two immature frequently a field just south and west of the corner of Irwin and Oliver’s Road north of Bobcaygeon. They have been there for a few days and have been seen in flight as well as perched in trees along the fence line. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • January 23, 2013 – Martin and I watched a barred owl hunting from the pine trees this afternoon. He was absolutely magnificent and caught a mouse/ vole from under the snow. Jan Ridgway
  • January 22, 2013 – In the midst of this cold snap, there are now more hungry birds around my feeders on Anderson Line, north of Bobcaygeon. About 12-15 Evening Grosbeaks are frequent visitors and I have 4 Cardinals, even at mid day, as well as several Common Redpoll and one Hoary from time to time. Near the intersection of Irwin and Oliver’s Roads, north of here, there is a small (8-10) flock of Pine Grosbeaks foraging for food as they have been since December. A good sized flock of Bohemian Waxwings can usually be found on the north east outskirts of Bobcaygeon on Hwy 36 near the entrance to Wilderness Park and 3 Hooded Megansers remain in the Big Bob River above the dam. John Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • January 18, 2013 – Yesterday Martin and I watched a coyote trotting across the field next to ours on Doyle Rd. He has also been round by the barn and caught a vole or something similar, it’s one of his favourite hunting sights. Jan Ridgway
  • January 17, 2013 – We had a male northern cardinal visiting our feeder today along with 17 or 18 common red polls. Glenn & Carolyn Thompson – Burnt River
  • January 15, 2013 – Martin and I saw a Northern Shrike on Doyle Road Thursday 10th January. Only two recorded on the Christmas bird count so, we presume, not a common sight. Jan Ridgway
  • January 15, 2013 – We had approximately 40 common redpolls at our bird feeders this morning. Glenn & Carolyn Thompson – Burnt River
  • January 12, 2013 – A Cooper’s hawk arrived in the yard today scaring off all the feeder birds. It stayed only for a few minutes. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • January 7, 2013 – I saw a great blue heron just east of Simcoe street a little north of Cannington today. I have never seen one in this area at this time of year. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • December 30, 2012 – Had about 100 Common Redpolls fighting over my nyger seed today. Also saw about 30 Pine Grosbeak at Emily Provincial Park this afternoon feeding in a conifer. Kim Clark, Bethany
  • December 17, 2012 – Northern Hawk Owl first seen on Peterborough Christmas Bird Count on Sunday December 16th. Seen today by many birders at 1140 Meadowview Road between farm and rail trail. Kim Clark
  • December 12, 2012 – At my feeder together today there was a pine grosbeak and a white-winged crossbill. A lucky day I guess! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • December 4, 2012 – For the past couple of weeks, there has been a lone White Crowned Sparrow visiting our feeder. Judy Kennedy and Robbie Preston, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • November 27, 2012 – This year, we put out the feeders in mid November, before the snow came, hoping that we had a jump on the old haunts. Sure enough, today, three pairs or Cardinals arrived, along with a female Pine Grosbeak. At first, the Cardinals feasted on the fruits on the crabapple tree, warily checking out the feeder off the back deck. Finally, encouraged by all the Chickadees, who were flitting back and forth from feeder to tree with sunflower seeds, they ventured over to investigate the treats. Judy Kennedy and Robbie Preston, Southview Estates, Cameron.
  • November 26, 2012 – This afternoon approximately 200 Bohemian Waxwings in 4 separate groups flew over my house in Bethany heading west. One group of 59 landed in a walnut tree in my yard and stayed for about 15 minutes before flying off. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • November 24, 2012 – A flight of approx 30 Sandhill Cranes flew over Lindsay LCVI area about 16:30 on Saturday Nov 24. Derek Anderson, Major, Commanding Officer | Officier Commandant, 2817 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps | Corps de Cadets de l’Armée 2817 Lindsay, Ontario
  • November 22, 2012 – The leaves have all fallen from our big old flowering crab apple tree, which makes for excellent viewing. The abundant fruits are about the size of cherries are attracting flocks of Cedar and Bohemian Waxwings and the occasional Pine Grosbeak. Judy Kennedy, Southview Estates, Cameron
  • November 21, 2012 – A red-winged blackbird was at my feeder this morning. I have not seen one here this late before. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 21, 2012 – Had my first ever White-winged Crossbill come to my feeders this morning. I believe it was a female. Kim Clark – Bethany
  • November 1, 2012 – Eight evening grosbeaks, a pine siskin and a common redpoll arrived at my feeder today. It is the first time in many years since I have seen the grosbeaks and the first redpoll in a couple of years. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • October 22, 2012 – A small flock of 24 evening grosbeaks cleaned out our feeder this afternoon! Yesterday there were 7 bluebirds checking out the backyard – maybe storing the co-ordinates in their mind for next spring?? Lizz and Bill Hoyle, Elm Tree Road north of the Glenarm road.
  • October 7, 2012 – The juncos returned today! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • September 27, 2012 – I believe I spotted a bald eagle on Lake Scugog on Sunday September 23rd. The large bird had a white head and white tail feathers. It grabbed a large fish from the lake, but dropped it over the lake from quite a significant height. Andrew D.
  • May 27, 2012 – There is a large breeding colony (50+ birds) of Black Terns at Emily Creek on the south side of Highway 36. Lots of fledglings being fed by parents. There is also a pair of Trumpeter Swans (unbanded) in the river just before it enters Emily Lake. Kim Clark
  • May 21, 2012 – We have had a few rose-breasted grosbeaks again this year,andthis week there is a small flock of white-winged crossbills. They are not nervous birds and have several pictures at our small pond and at the feeder.We live on Cresswell rd, north of Little Britain. Al Nugent.
  • May 3, 2012 – The warm weather brought in a bunch of birds including yellow, yellow-rumped, black and white and black-throated green warblers, rose-breasted grosbeak, indigo bunting, 3 green herons. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 30, 2012 – The first warbler of the season arrived at my place today, a black-throated blue. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 29, 2012 – In Ken Reid park today I saw a purple martin and 4 swallow species: tree, bank, cliff and barn. I didn’t see a rough-winged swallow. Tim Brophy, Lindsay
  • April 23, 2012 – Saw the first female red-winged blackbird of the season standing in the snow under my feeder this morning. Kim Clark
  • April 16, 2012 – I was birding in Emily Tract this morning (April 16th) and hear a Northern Goshawk calling. Found him in a tree – he flew several times and then sat there for an excellent viewing. Kim Clark
  • April 8, 2012 – While kayaking in Lower Buckhorn Lake near Wolf Island Provincial Park on Saturday, I saw the breeding pair of Bald Eagles. The female was sitting on the nest (eggs?) and the male was in a tree nearby. Kim Clark
  • April 2, 2012 – I saw my first red-shouldered hawk of the year, soaring over Ken Reid park. Tim brophy, Lindsay
  • March 29, 2012 – Today at approx. 2:30 my husband saw a young Trumpeter Swan near the pedestrian bridge in Beavermead Park (the bridge near the shore of Little Lake). It was also there around 12:30 when he first started his walk. It had yellow tags on both wings with the number J82. Bye for now, Ellen Olsen-Lynch
  • March 21, 2012 – This has been a good week for sightings. Earlier in the week I watched a trio of killdeer running up and down the field ? by evening the selection had been made and there is now a pair of killdeer; as well I heard first then saw the meadowlark. The following day the bluebird had a mate, and they have been busily inspecting the half dozen nesting boxes along the fence. This morning while hanging clothes on the line I heard the winnowing of a snipe, and just now at midday a phoebe was heard and seen singing from the willow tree. I almost stepped on a garter snake yesterday, and while out for a drive looking for ducks ( mallards, buffleheads, and a pair of swans), we helped a huge snapping turtle cross the road, and swerved to avoid a frog hopping across our path. It turned out to be a lovely looking leopard frog. We also saw a dead ermine. The family photographer took pictures of everything except the snake!! Lizz and Bill Hoyle ElmTree Road near Balsam Lake.
  • March 20, 2012 – Over the last week several first year sightings have occurred in Uphill. March 14 was a busy day as there were sightings of sandhill crane, meadowlark, saw-whet owl and woodcock. A flood of American tree sparrows showed up on the 16th but were mostly gone by the 17th. A killdeer sang over the fields on the 19th. The first song sparrow showed up on the 13th. Western chorus frogs and spring peepers have both started singing and colt’s-foot is in bloom at the side of the road. Two butterflies were nearly run over today – wasn’t able to identify either as I sped past too quickly but both looked to be mostly black. Finally, I had to stop today to rescue a painted turtle from getting run over by a heavy equipment transport truck. Ginny, Uphill
  • March 16th, 2012 – Today I saw a male Long-tailed Duck in full winter plumage and 19 Redhead Ducks at Little Lake at 12:30 pm. Along with these sightings, there were many Canada Geese, Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, Ring-necked Duck and Lesser Scaup. At 5:30 pm I saw a Greater White-fronted Goose on County Road 21 just west of Hwy 28. Kim Clark
  • March 14, 2012 – Male bluebird seen this morning checking out our boxes. This is the earliest we have seen one. On our property on Elm Tree Road just north of the Glenarm Road. Bill & Lizz Hoyle
  • March 13, 2012 – Today saw the return of kestrels, grackles and song sparrow! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • March 13, 2012 – I live on Upper Buckhorn Lake not far from buckhorn. For the past 3 years (beginning March) we have had a juvenile bald eagle in our area. He spends time around the osprey nest (who returns every year). The eagle usually stays 3 or 4 days however this year he has been here almost 2 weeks and he is sticking pretty close to the osprey nest. He now has his adult plumage. The osprey are back any time now and it should be quite a show when the two meet up again. The first year the eagle was here the osprey had just returned from his winter south and the eagle had some carrion on the ice 50 m from his nest. The osprey dive-bombed the eagle who just kept eating away. The difference is this bird may be of breeding age now and they will combat for the nest. I am sure that the eagle will win. Does anyone know if the two can live in the same proximity of each other with them both sharing the same habitat and food source during breeding season? There is a Bald eagle nest on Katchawanooka lake and I am sure it must be the offspring from that nest. Lynn Woodcroft
  • March 6, 2012 – I saw an adult Glaucous Gull mixed in with the usual Herring and Ring-billed Gulls today on Little Lake in Peterborough. Kim Clark
  • February 25 to March 2, 2012 – Kawartha Field Naturalists bird report. Rusty Blackbird– 3 my feeder north of Fenelon Falls. Red-winged Blackbird–1 Lou Probst feeder Carden. Common Grackle– 1 Barb Glass feeder Woodville. European Starling– numbers increasing most feeders. Red-bellied Woodpecker– 4 in total…1 my feeder, 1 Lou Probst feeder Kirkfield, 2 Brian Murphy feeder Lindsay. Hermit Thrush– 1 Julie Preslie Feeder Bury’s Green. Snow Bunting–150 regular at my feeder- spring song heard for the first time this week, 30 Anne Irwin feeder Bobcaygeon, several small flocks Glen (Arm?) Road and CR 2. Rough-legged Hawk– 1 regular near my place, seen today, 5 or 6 seen regularly all winter and recently at various locations. Red-tailed Hawk–1 Bury’s Green, 1 Doyle Road, 1 Victoria Road, 3 all winter on CR 2 between Manilla and Woodville. American Kestrel– Doyle Road. Sharp-shinned Hawk– 1 Barb Glass feeder, Woodville. Bald Eagle–2 hwy 49 north of Bobcaygeon, 1 Doyle Road. Northern Shrike–1 my feeder north of Fenelon Falls, yesterday, 1 north of Bobcaygeon yesterday (Scutinize all shrikes now as the migrant Loggerhead returns March and April and the Nothern lingers). White-crowned Sparrow– 1 Bob Hartley feeder Omemee. White-throated Sparrow–1 John Bick feeder North of Bobcaygeon. Purple Finch– 10 Julie Preslie feeder Bury’s Green, 4 pairs Nathalie rockhill feeder Victoria Road. Common Redpoll– 2 flocks yesterday, 1 of 80, the other 20 on St Alban’s Road north of Bobcaygeon. Hoary Redpoll– 1 in large flock of Common Redpoll mentioned above. American Goldfinch–80, my feeder, 60 Nathalie Rockhill feeder, Victoria Road, 60 Lou Probst feeder Carden. Pine Siskin–12 Nathalie Rockhill feeder, 1 Lou Probst feeder Carden, 7 Ridgway feeder Doyle Road, 7 John Bick’s woods north of Bobcaygeon. White-winged Crossbill– 30 on Fairbairn Road north east of Fenelon Falls. Bohemian Waxwing– flock of 40 north of Bobcaygeon, 40 north of Mitchel Lake, flocks seen all winter and recently, but sporadically, in all areas. Northern Cardinal– 7 Woodville feeders, 1 my feeder Bulmer’s Road ( for the first time, several at Bury’s Green feeders and other sightings indicate a good year for Cardinals. Northern Saw-whet Owl–1 road kill, between Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon. Eastern Screech-owl– 1 Ginny Moore feeder, 1 Eric Davis yard Woodville occasionally. Barred Owl–1 regularly at John Bick feeder, at night. Snowy Owl– 1 Kirkfield ( irruption passed through CKL as we had only sporadic sightings all winter). American Robin–singing spring songs all areas Trumpeter Swan– 2 adults and 3 cygnets on Scugog River, Lindsay. (These are tagged birds from Sturgeon Lake in 2011 that wintered at La Salle Park, Burlington. 7 other sygnets stayed behind in Burlington) ( latest word from Janice Melendez is 6 of the remaining brood have left LaSalle Park; watch for tagged Trumpeter Swans). 2 adults photographed north of dam in Bobcaygeon, no tags, 2 on Grass Creek Victoria Road (tags?). Canada Goose–flying and honking in pairs often inland checking out nesting locations at beaver dams and creeks. Submitted by Dan Bone, [email protected] , with much help from club members and area birders.
  • February 19, 2012 – I sighted a Great Horned Owl atop a hydro post on Browns line East of Hwy 7 adjacent to Sticklands bakery. It was a large male and very docile about 4:30 pm, my attention was drawn to him as he was being attacked by a Red tailed hawk. Carl Welbourn, Peterborough
  • February 18th, 2012 – I saw a Belted Kingfisher on Highway 121 north of the junction with Highway 49. Kim Clark
  • February 20, 2012 – Hello there. We live on upper Buckhorn Lake a few Km from the town of Buckhorn. For the past 4 days we had 3 Trumpeter swans floating out in front of our home. Very exciting. It is dark now and their calls are loud enough for us to hear in the house. Great stuff. Regards, Lynn Woodcroft.
  • February 16, 2012 – Today there were four robins in my backyard. I have never seen robins here in February! Eric Davis, Woodville
  • February 12, 2012 – We spent half an hour watching a Bald Eagle on Doyle Rd yesterday, 12th February 2012. It was sitting in a tree where the Talbot River crosses Doyle Rd. Crows were harassing it and we got wonderful views of it flying overhead as it tried to shake them off. When we left it was sitting on top of an old snag looking very majestic. Jan & Martin Ridgway
  • January 30, 2012 – Throughout this unusual January , there have been some interesting bird sightings in the Sturgeon Lake area. As many as five BALD EAGLES have been sighted along the back roads of former Verulam Township, north of Sturgeon Lake. Anne Irwin has seen and photographed a WILD TURKEY on Birch Point Road with unusual light and dark colorations, as well as attract to her yard on Irwin’s Road up to 50 SNOW BUNTINGS, CEDAR WAXWINGS, COMMON REDPOLL and near the end of the month a small flock of PURPLE FINCHES. A HERMIT THRUSH has been seen by Tim Brophy, Dan Bone and others at a feeder on Bury’s Green Road and a BROWN THRASHER has been visiting a yard feeder at the bottom of Echo Bay Road on Sturgeon Lake. A RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER continues to appear on Bulmer’s Road (Dan Bone & Susan Blayney) , along with three RUSTY BLACKBIRDS and scores of SNOW BUNTINGS. ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS have been sighted on North Fairbairn and Oliver’s Road . NORTHERN SHRIKE are around most days on one of the backroads. At the first corner on Fairbairn Road south of Bury’s Green Road, I came upon 6 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS foraging in the tamaracks by the roadside. In my woodlot I have located this month a BROWN CREEPER and a pair of RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES, as well as a resident RUFFED GROUSE, which in spite of very low numbers reported in CBCounts across the province, seem to be somewhat easier to find in this area than in some years (Tim Brophy saw 3 of them on one day). There has been no sign of the 3 Eastern Bluebirds last seen on Martin’s Road on December 28th , a first for the Kawartha CBC. For the last few days, I have had a WHITE-THROATED SPARROW mingling with the regular AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS ( 12) and DARK-EYED JUNCOES (4) at my feeders on Anderson Line. By far my biggest thrill came late last week, when I turned on my outside lights to check for Flying Squirrels which I always hope to see, and discovered a BARRED OWL perched on the platform feeder anticipating the arrival of mice or maybe the flying squirrels (which is maybe why I never see them!) That was an unexpected treat. John Bick, Anderson Line, Bobcaygeon
  • December 18, 2011 – Hello… today at about 11:30, we saw a bald eagle on the ice near the middle of Sturgeon Lake off of Blythe shore (half way between Fenelon Falls and Sturgeon Point). He was sitting at the edge of the open water. He sat there for at least half an hour but we didn’t see which direction he went. He looked to be at least 2 feet tall. It was amazing! Sorry the pictures aren’t that great… he was too far away. Leah and Ed Connor
  • November 19, 2011 – Hello, Today we have 12 Swans at out shore. Truly a magnificent site as in over 3o years we have only seen a couple. One of them is tagged and we wondered if it needed to be recorded. We live on Sturgeon Lake in Fenelon Falls. We have taken a lot of pictures of these magnificent birds because they are quite tame. Cindy Toms
  • November 17, 2011 – A female snowy owl was sitting on a fence post 2 km north of Sunderland on the east side of Hwy 12. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • November 7, 2011 – I have seen a female red-bellied woodpecker at my feeder, an immature red-headed woodpecker in the area, a red-tailed hawk and cow, calf and bull moose close to my house in my neighbour’s pasture. Ginny Moore
  • November 7, 2011 – Hounds in my yard announced the deer hunting season. Randy Beacler, Somerville Township
  • November 7, 2011 – I have noticed a bumper crop of wild apples and wonder if there is anything being done to conserve this genetic resource. John “Appleseed” Bick, Bobcaygeon
  • November 7, 2011 – An acquaintance of mine found a yellow-spotted salamander in his basement and a dark-eyed junco on the window screen. Vic Orr, Four Mile Lake
  • November 7, 2011 – I have observed Rusty Blackbirds and a Red-bellied Woodpecker at our feeder. Also there was a Red-bellied snake on the rail trail trestle bridge. Susan Blayney, Bulmer’s Road
  • November 7, 2011 – There are White-crowned Sparrows at my feeder. Judy Kennedy, Lindsay
  • November 7, 2011 – We noticed Ruddy Ducks and 12+ Cackling Geese (confirmed by David Preslie of Fleming College) at Walmart Flats pond. Maureen McEwan, Lindsay
  • November 7, 2011 – Up here in Haliburton I have seen Meadow Hawk dragonflies, Mallards, Ring-necked Ducks, Hooded Mergansers and Pine Siskins. Don Smith
  • November 7, 2011 – On our farm a 12 year old tagged cow elk is still being seen. She was captured in Alberta in 2000 and released in Bancroft soon after. Dan Bone, Bulmer’s Road
  • November 7, 2011 – White-winged crossbills, Janice Melendez
  • November 7,2011 – Red-headed Woodpecker has been seen at our feeder from October 20 to 23. Bill and Lizz Hoyle
  • November 7, 2011 – There is a pair of Trumpeter Swans on Sturgeon Lake raising 10 cygnets which is a record according to the banders. You can see photos by clicking here.
  • October 7, 2011 – A couple of weeks ago, Robbie Preston and I went to check the trails in the Altberg for windfalls. Just inside the west Yellow Trail, I found a beautiful tail feather from a Wild Turkey. We have often seen tracks in the snow, or on freshly raked trails, but we have never actually seen any of these illusive fellows. However, on Friday, October 7, at the bottom of the Red Trail, we finally spotted five, as they silently stole through the woods. Judy Kennedy, Lindsay.
  • October 7, 2011 – On Friday, October 7, two adult Trumpeter Swans (one with tag # 902) with a whopping ten (!) cygnets spent the entire day in the tiny marsh behind Pleasant Point on Sturgeon Lake. Photos are available if anyone is interested. The sighting has already been reported to the Wye Marsh group for their records. Janice Melendez
  • October 7, 2011 – On Thursday October 6th at about 2 pm i saw a single female Sandhill Crane on the Otonabee river as I was driving along water just south of the zoo. I was amazed to say the least; I’ve on ever seen two Sandhill Cranes in my life but I’m not from Peterborough and have no idea how common sightings are in the area. Sincerely, James T. Weyman
  • October 4, 2011 – As I was driving down Skihill Road, just south of the Pigeon River in Omemee, a Fisher darted across the road in front of my car. Judy Kennedy, Lindsay
  • June 20, 2011 – Today while Robbie Preston and I escorted the daughter of a friend and former employ of the late Rudolph Altberg through the trails of the Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary, we heard two Barred Owls calling. One was high in the treetops, just north of the junction of the orange trail and the east arm of the red trail, and the other was calling from the far side of the beaver ponds on the east boundary. Judy Kennedy, Lindsay.
  • June 6, 2011 – I was able to find the red-headed woodpecker in the Carden area. It was located on an unmarked road about 1 km west of Victoria Road running north from Alvar Road. Be ready for a rough ride and billions of deer flies! Eric Davis
  • May 11, 2011 – Last evening as we entered the driveway I spotted movement from the birdfeeder at my from door, to the top of the privacy fence where the feeder is mounted. Sure enough, there was a “masked bandit” raccoon, sitting motionless under the eve. He was most determined, returning to his raiding, shortly after we entered the house, and proceeded to open the roof lid, clean out all of the seed and then finished off with the suet block for dessert. This morning, as I toured my garden, I was serenaded by the sweet song of a male, Rose breasted Grosbeak, high in the top of my maple tree. Pity that I won’t be seeing him at my, now empty, feeder. Judy Kennedy, Lindsay.
  • May 10 2011 – I was conversing with the yellow rail at Sedge Wren Marsh at Carden this evening. Unfortunately, although very talkative, he would not grace us with a look! At home today saw the return of the green heron. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • May 7, 2011 – Four White Winged Crossbills have been feeding in our backyard for the past week or so in Lindsay on Redwing St. Kevin White
  • April 27, 2011 – The black and white warbler was seen squeaking away today for the first time here this year. Eric Davis, Woodville
  • April 19, 2011 – Swan A32 and his/her mate are now cruising the northwest corner of Sturgeon Lake. Jan Mundy


  • April 13, 2011 – We saw a pair of swans on Wednesday, April 13th in West Bay on Balsam Lake. One of the swans had a yellow marker with the number A32 on it and I have attached a picture of them. They were quite friendly and came up to me when I walked to the end of our dock. Wayne and Sue Rapp


  • March 31, 2011 – Finally! The bluebirds have arrived! They were checking out the boxes in the backyard early this morning. The red-bellied woodpecker continues to be a daily visitor to the backyard suet feeders as well. Lizz Hoyle Elm Tree Road, north of Glenarm Road
  • March 23, 2011 – Over the last ten days,there has been a large flock Grackles and Red Winged Blackbirds in the big maples as the edge of my driveway. The little Goldfinches turn more yellow each passing day and are now being accompanied at my feeders by a gang of Redpolls and scrappy Pine Siskins. We had an interesting incident last week which at first appeared to be just a bird strike against the window overlooking the feeders. Just as we looked out to check to see if the bird had not been injured, to our dismay, we witnessed the accident victim, firmly clutched in the talons of a Peregrine Falcon, and was gone in a flash. On Sunday, as we drove up Hwy 35, just north of the Glenarm Road. AMeadowlark flew across the road and landed on the fence. Signs of spring on the wing. Judy Kennedy
  • March 18, 2011 – Lloyd & I were driving North on Long Beach Road toward Hwy 35 when we spotted our first sighting of a Great Blue Heron standing in a flooded field on the east side of the road. After our close encounter (and missed photograph) with a bald eagle flying right at us in Coboconk in February, I managed a picture of the heron as it stood and one as it flew across the water. A week ago we spotted a pair of Horned Larks singing on a fence on the east side of Monarch Rd., north of Thunderbridge Rd. We watched & video taped a pair of coyotes, one was limping, at the intersection of Hwy 7 and Lindsay St Sth. in February, then another pair on the east side of Angeline St N. toward Ken Rei Park Rd. These were observed hunting and catching prey. (Morbid!). Also a pair of Red Tailed Hawks doing the same thing. Lloyd & Maureen McEwan
  • Feb 26, 2011 – I would like to report that to my surprise I spotted a bald eagle this morning while driving into town. We live in Buckhorn and are quite new to the area. As we were driving over the bridge at Buckhorn locks, I saw an eagle flying from Upper Buckhorn to Lower Buckhorn Lake at about 11:30 am. I was quite taken aback and was not prepared to see that. This is only the second time I have seen one in the wild; the first being out east several years ago. By the time I got my information to my husband who was driving (he didn’t quite believe me) it was too late to turn around to get a camera to take pictures. Regards, Helen Geimer
  • Feb 7, 2011 – These sightings were reported by our members at our Feb 7 general meeting. Maureen McEwan reported 3 separate sightings of Great Horned Owls in the Lindsay Area (Colburn Road and Fish Hawk Road.) Maureen asked if it might have been the same owl or 3 separate owls. Consensus was it could have been separate owls or at least 2. Enid Skuce saw 36 to 40 House Finches from the window of her building. This is a good sighting as House Finches are not as numerous as they were 5 years ago. Dianne Grubbe reported a Bufflehead ( small diving duck breeding north of here) in the open water near her house on Oak street in Fenelon Falls just north of the Cameron Lake Locks. Randy Beacler reported Snow Buntings on Crystal Lake Road. A Barred Owl flew across the road near intersection of CKL Road 1 and CKL 121. Lewis and Dale Jackson mentioned that Wild Turkeys have figured out how to get food from their bird feeders by flying up and knocking food out and then eating from the ground. Barb Puxley has seen Red-winged Blackbirds this winter and wondered about their status as winter birds. Tim Brophy mentioned that there are quite a few wintering around Lindsay. Brian Barbour reported 2 Bald Eagles just downriver from the Coboconk Bridge. Also 2 Trumpeter Swans are present and the White -winged Scoter is still there from December. The White-winged Scoter has fishing line caught on its wing but is impossible to catch. Dan Bone reported 5 Bald Eagles and 100 plus Ravens on Fairbairn Road north of Cedar Tree Road in Verulam Twp. Lloyd Leadbeater reported a Fisher, possibly 2 judging from tracks, visiting their compost pile. At the Carden Field Naturalist meeting on February 9 many Red Foxes were reported including a Cross Fox, a colour Morph of the Red Fox with a cross pattern on its shoulders and back. January is the breeding season for Foxes
  • Jan 27, 2011 – I had a good look at a second or third year Bald Eagle today (Wednesday, Jan 26) about 3:00 p.m. at the intersection of Cedar Tree and Fairbairn Road. It was in a tree 100 metres north east of the intersection and I was able to get the scope on it. It had lots of white under the chin, a black bill and lots of irregular patches of white. It flew north and I went home to get a camera and re-found it 30 minutes later way behind the farm at the top of the hill north of where John originally reported an eagle. It flew south again giving me good views in the binocs and then….I lost it in the trees. Raven still present. There likely is more than one eagle at this location (possibly a Golden) as I saw approx 100 ravens yesterday. The Rusty Blackbird is still at Sturgeon Point just north of the intersection of North Bayou and Hickory Beach. I spent 45 minutes patrolling the Lindsay Airport area looking for the Snowy Owl reported to be there and saw 2 Red-tails, 2 porcupines and Maureen and Lloyd McEwan. No Snowy. I had 350 snow buntings at my feeder yesterday. The Northern Hawk Owl is still present near the intersection of CKL roads 6 and 46 in the Dalrymple area. Dan Bone
  • Jan 9, 2011 – We are located on Silver Lake, the first lake north of Balsam Lake on the Gull River, just north of Coboconk. This winter a Red Bellied Woodpecker arrived at our feeder on Nov. 12th, and stayed around until Dec. 5th.We did not see him again until today, Jan. 9th, when he arrived in late morning, and has returned twice this afternoon. He goes to the insect suet, and stays only a short time at each visit.He has the glorious wide orange-red stripe on his head, running from his bill to the back of his neck, with narrow black and white stripes on his back, and a clear breast.I have seen a Red Bellied Woodpecker at Rondeau, but never before in this area and are interested to know just how rare this is. Sincerely, Anna Lambe. P.S. We also have at our feeders all the regular birds, including a lovely flock of 30-40 common redpolls.


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